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tina fey


30 Rock – Believe in the Stars

(Season 3, Episode 2) “Believe in the stars… It’s like that doesn’t even mean anything anymore.” – Kenneth If you’ve seen any of the promos for 30 Rock this season, you’ve known that Oprah was going to be guesting (along with Jennifer Aniston and Steve Martin). What we didn’t know is in what capacity, but […]

by Bob Degon

Vote Kenneth the page in ’08

Did you watch 30 Rock this week? The great news is that lots of people did! Ratings were way up from last season and I’m hopeful that the show can retain most of that audience. After all, I can’t imagine anyone not falling in love with 30 Rock. Tina Fey’s been the talk of the […]

by Bob Degon

30 Rock – Do-over

(Season 3, Episode 1 – Season Premiere) It’s back!… It’s back, it’s back, it’s back! You can’t see, but this complete fanboy is doing a dance of joy in his living room. 30 Rock, the Emmy winning, funniest show on television is back! Even though the first episode of the new season has been available […]

by Bob Degon

Saturday Night Live – Josh Brolin; Adele

(Season 34, Episode 5) This week certainly wasn’t as tight as the Anne Hathaway episode, but it was better than some of the earlier eps. They had the cameos going (Tina Fey, Mark Wahlberg, Sarah Palin, Oliver Stone, and Alec Baldwin), and they all hit the mark, but the whole last half of the show […]

by Bob Degon

Sarah Palin may get her revenge on SNL

For the past several weeks, Tina Fey has helped lead SNL to a creative and ratings resurgence with her freakishly spot-on impression of VP hopeful, Sarah Palin. Now, according to reports, there is serious talk in the McCain camp of preparing a response. One possibility? Palin may appear on Saturday Night Live, not as herself, […]

by Kona Gallagher

Saturday Night Live – Anne Hathaway; The Killers

(Season 34, Episode 4) Overall, I was fairly happy with this outing. I thought it was far and away the best episode of the season to date. Anne Hathaway hosted and The Killers were on to promote their upcoming album, Day & Age. Join me after the jump as I break down the show, skit […]

by Bob Degon

I take back all the bad things I said about those Arrested Development freaks!

Okay, don’t throw anything at me, but I have a confession to make: I didn’t watch Arrested Development when it aired.  In fact, I went out of my way not to watch it.  The entire time I was doing this I had this feeling that maybe Fox was just one viewer short of keeping it […]

by Jay Black
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