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The Forgotten


The 2009 fall season’s off to a surprising start

As quickly as the dead are stacking up for me in the new fall season, I am incredibly surprised at how many new shows I’m not just “giving another shot,” but rather that I find myself looking forward to. Usually, the most a new series will do for me these days is get me to […]

by Aryeh S.

Ratings Clack – Is Dollhouse about to get pulled?

Week two of the full-tilt-boogie season brought with it some interesting things, including premieres for Animation Domination, The Amazing Race, Trauma, Hank, and The Middle. We also saw more huge numbers from House, NCIS, and Grey’s. But after all of that, the most interesting story again comes from the show with the worst ratings on […]

by Brett Love

Ratings Clack – Greg, Anthony, and Meredith rule

Holy smokes. After a summer without a lot of numbers to really be excited about, last week was just stuffed to the gills. There were season and series premieres everywhere, bringing in ratings that ran the gamut from outstanding to horrible. The big winners were House, NCIS, and Grey’s Anatomy. On the other end of […]

by Brett Love

The Forgotten is forgettable … except maybe for the pilot’s ending

In case you haven’t heard yet, Christian Slater has decided to give television another go by starring in ABC’s upcoming drama, The Forgotten. The premise is this: a group of experts led by Alex Donovan (Slater) — who are not law enforcement, though work with them (think Bones) — assist in figuring out the identities […]

by Keith McDuffee

Fall 2009 pre-season predictions: Tuesday

Monday was exciting, but there’s even more fun to be had on Tuesday’s this fall. The big winner is clearly NCIS. Last season they were in this same spot, but had to stare down Dr. House. It should be smooth sailing for the team in 09/10. But will those smooth waters carry over to the […]

by Brett Love

Presenting CliqueClack’s guide to the 2009-10 fall season

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by Richard Keller
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