CliqueClack TV
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Saturday Night Live – Hugh Laurie; Kanye West

(Season 34, Episode 11) Here we are at the last episode of 2008, the big holiday episode. Saturday Night Live was good enough to leave us all a little surprise for the holidays: a big pile of turd! Seriously, there was barely anything funny going on here. It was a real shame, especially considering that […]

by Bob Degon

Portugal: The New Jersey of Europe? – Guest Clack

Cate Cropp, a Jersey girl living in Portugal who just can’t give up American TV, is back guest clacking for us again today. I’m from New Jersey, a place that TV writers like to poke fun at, well, often.  How I Met Your Mother dedicated an entire episode to making fun of the state as […]

by Keith McDuffee

Saturday Night Live – John Malkovich; T.I.

(Season 34, Episode 10) My hopes were really high when I saw that John Malkovich was hosting this week. I remember his hysterical monologue from when he hosted in 1993. It consisted of him trying to hit a baseball into the audience, but he never made contact. As he kept missing he kept swinging harder […]

by Bob Degon

Saturday Night Live – Tim McGraw; Ludacris; T-Pain

(Season 34, Episode 9) I was a little worried about this episode before I watched it. I’m always nervous when a non-actor hosts. Tim McGraw did a fine job, though. He was no Jon Hamm, and there was a lot of staring at the cue cards, but he sufficed. I think a lot of my […]

by Bob Degon

Things That Didn’t Suck This Week: Burglaries, learning Dutch, the gays and Timberlake

“I don’t know what that means.” – Shane tries to figure out how to rob a safe on The Shield Unlike most dramas, The Shield doesn’t really give you a whole lot of relief from the tension. Watching an episode is kind of like being punched over and over again. So after seven seasons, it […]

by Kona Gallagher

Saturday Night Live – Paul Rudd; Beyonce

(Season 34, Episode 8) I will admit that my hopes were high this week.  Paul Rudd is a funny dude, and I was hoping that SNL would come through with some great political lampooning. Boy was I disappointed. I don’t know if I was just in the wrong frame of mind to watch SNL, but […]

by Bob Degon

Things that didn’t suck this week – awkward moments, cursing and Keith Olbermann

“I could have had you in my life forever, if I wanted to.” Peggy tells Pete she’s not perfect on Mad Men How awesome is Elisabeth Moss? When I’m watching Mad Men, I’m often distracted by the utter hotness of Jon Hamm as Don Draper, but damn, Peggy Olson is a great character. Along with […]

by Kona Gallagher
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