CliqueClack TV
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Curb Your Enthusiasm season 7 – He’s baaaaack!

I’ve never seen Curb. Well, that’s not entirely true: I saw ten minutes of the season six premiere, “Meet the Blacks,” when it aired the other night. Why? I’m not a Larry David fan (despite my love for Seinfeld), and David looks like an old boss of mine. A nice guy, but still. Oh, and […]

by Aryeh S.

Webisode Clack – Red vs Blue, a classic and a question

I’ve been obsessed with the Women’s College World Series for the last week, which has put me a bit behind on my web TV viewing. So, this week I thought we’d jump in the wayback machine and take a look at the first web series that I got hooked on, Red vs Blue. I headed […]

by Brett Love

Casting Clack – Lily’s cast fills out, Dancing With the Stars loses two, and the fifth Cylon jumps over to CSI

In “Casting Clack”, CliqueClack brings you a summary of the TV casting news released throughout the week, be it the addition of a series regular, a new recurring cast member, a guest star, or even someone making a cameo. Let thee be warned! The following casting news may contain slight spoilers about the roles the […]

by Richard Keller

Television is the balm

I love my TiVo; I’m not ashamed to admit it. The creation of the digital video recorder has been a godsend to those of us who still confess that we love watching TV. 100 hours of memory, the ability to tape two shows at once, a searchable two-week guide, season passes … TiVo has leveled […]

by Aryeh S.

Seven really unlucky TV characters

As you know, tomorrow’s Valentine’s Day. What’s that? You forgot? Ho boy, you’re gonna have some ‘splaining to do. Well, if you have someone to ‘splain to, that is. Now, I could go ahead and make a cutesy list of the best ‘ships on TV or the ten kinds of chocolate I’d eat off Sienna […]

by Keith McDuffee

NBC – The ultimate Must See TV

CliqueClack’s recent poll about our Wednesday night television preferences got me to thinking about the variety we’re offered on other nights of the week. Inevitably, my mind wandered to NBC’s Thursday night lineup. As much as that night has declined in quality, I still find myself recording almost the entire three hour block (Kath & […]

by Aryeh S.
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