CliqueClack TV
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Real World: Brooklyn – Devyn sleeps with a rat

Those rambunctious boys of the Real World: Brooklyn house were up to no good on last night’s rodent-filled episode. What began as a few tiny mice scurrying about turned into a man vs woman brouhaha involving a giant white rat. This season is really becoming a battle of the sexes. Maybe it’s the even one-to-one […]

by Scott Tunstall

CliqueClack Flashback – Daria

There was a time when it was okay to like MTV. In fact, for certain age groups, voluntarily viewing MTV was expected, unlike today, when no self-respecting person of any demographic should acknowledge the channel’s very existence, let alone pay attention to it. The early 2000s marked that shift into disaster territory; MTV did a […]

by Annie Wu

Ten best movies adapted from TV series

Last week I did a little dumpster diving on the Hollywood backlot and pulled out a collection of vomit-inducing big screen adaptations that failed miserably to live up to the TV series that inspired them. The putrid stench of their incompetence still clings to the walls at FOX, Warner Bros., and Universal. No amount of […]

by Scott Tunstall

Real World: Brooklyn – Finally, a stripper pole

It took a few episodes, but Katelynn came out of her transgendered shell last night on Real World: Brooklyn. No more Mr. nice guy, er, girl. She’s not takin’ guff from anyone. Good for Katelynn.  As part of her newfound confidence, she takes up prancing to-and-fro throughout the house in her very tight short shorts. […]

by Scott Tunstall

The CollegeHumor Show deserves MTV

Sunday night (9:30 PM ET) I decided to check out the new show based around the comedy website, The CollegeHumor Show, which was picked up by MTV last year. But first, I had to find out what channel MTV was on because, well, I never, ever watch MTV anymore. Insert cliche joke about when […]

by Keith McDuffee

Real World: Brooklyn – I’m officially sick and tired of seeing Scott’s abs

I finally figured out why most people can’t stomach The Real World. It has nothing to do with watching empty-headed brats masquerading as adults while receiving free room and board. Well, that may have something to do with it, but I surmise the real crunch has more to do with the producers’ fear of getting […]

by Scott Tunstall

CliqueClack Flashback – The State

In December of 1993, I was getting ready to turn 13 and in the interminable hell known as middle school. After bouncing around between groups of friends, trying to find my identity, I ended up with a great group of girls with whom I am still close to this day. There were a lot of […]

by Kona Gallagher
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