CliqueClack TV
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House – Should Cuddy have given back the baby?

The way the writers of House handled Cuddy’s feelings for her new baby was uncomfortably great. It was so good, and Cuddy was so convincing in her misery. I was actually convinced that Cuddy was going to give her baby back. In fact, when Wilson revealed that he had faked translating a photo of the […]

by Jen Creer

Don’t Lie to Me, Starbuck; SNL is too long – The Week in Clack

Week of January 18 to January 24 Clever, insolent, creative, irreverent; even a little twisted. I speak of the writers here at CliqueClack, and the unique posts they churn out day after day. How could we let seven days go by without highlighting some of the week’s gems? (If you’d like to receive this in […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Quotation Marks – House; 30 Rock; Friday Night Lights

It was a good week for quotes. Between Parker pretending to be a flight attendant on Leverage and House and Cuddy just being House and Cuddy, there was a lot of hilarity on the tube. Read on for CliqueClack’s favorite quotes of the week and feel free to post your own in the comments.

by Kona Gallagher

House – a quotable week

(Season 5, Episode 12 – “Painless”) Read CliqueClack’s review of this episode Oh, how I missed Dr. House during the winter hiatus. The interactions between the team were getting more intricate and fascinating, and the last month has been sadly lacking in quotes, without the spectacular Dr. House around. He’s back, and in tip-top shape, […]

by Debbie McDuffee

House – When it rains, it pours

(Season 5, Episode 12 – “Painless” ) At least people on House are open about their attempts to manipulate each other. And by people, I mean Cameron. She freely admits that she was hoping House would benefit from having a patient who was in worse pain than House is. However, House isn’t suicidal, and it […]

by Jen Creer

Seven backdrops I’d rather stand in front of than American Idol

The holidays are over and, with that, so is the massive shopping frenzy that attacked the malls across America. So, you’ve got a few crappy things for Christmas that need exchanging, and in your bestest and cheeriest of moods, you head to the mall to brave the return lines during what should be your lunch […]

by Keith McDuffee

How to survive TV’s hiatus

Breathe. I know it’s been a long time since your favorite shows have been on, but you’re going to be OK. I’m sure of it. Well, almost sure, but since this post is about thinking positive, go back to that breathing thing. If you are feeling that emptiness in the pit of your heart, that […]

by Debbie McDuffee
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