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Fox kicks Joss Whedon in the crotch… again

Sure, if you want to get all technical, the big story from the latest Fox press release is probably either 24 returning “with a vengeance” or the premiere date of American Idol. Screw that! If you really need to know, that info is after the jump, but the big story, as the post title alludes […]

by Brett Love

Eight reasons Greg House is a mean bastard

Perhaps Dr. House has just hit his lowest point of meanness, after his mean-spirited jabs at Cuddy’s short stint at motherhood last week. I was so uncomfortable — and even a bit angry — watching House hurt Cuddy where it hurts the most for her. Why, oh why, does he do it? For the same […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Open Letters: Fox executives, this one’s for you

To the programming executives at FOX (if there are any; for all I know the programming is done by a monkey pressing a button on a TRS-80 once an hour): We need to have a serious talk, because I believe you may have some problems. Mainly, you like to call ‘Wolf!’ a lot. Or, in modern […]

by Richard Keller

FOX’s Animation Domination – 11/2/2008

J. Hues: “Hi and welcome to the “Animation Domination” round table discussion. Thanks for joining us. We have a special treat this time around as we discuss the latest installments of FOX’s The Simpsons, King of the Hill, Family Guy and American Dad. Please give a warm welcome to the patriarchs of all four FOX […]

by Jason Hughes

Barack Obama: American Stories – Pilot

(Season 1, Episode 1 – Series Premiere) I tuned into FOX tonight to see the conclusion of the World Series game five, which had been pre-empted because of the weather a couple of day ago. Little did I know FOX was going to use the extra time available before the game started to launch a […]

by Jason Hughes

House – Joy

(Season 5, Episode 6) The cold open sucked me in right away. I’ve noticed this season that House is trying something different with their opens, and this one was unlike anything we’ve seen before. The recurring blackouts of the consumer product tester are dreamlike in his stark surroundings. Weird, David-Lynch-like vibes from this scene; very […]

by Debbie McDuffee

The Simpsons – Treehouse of Horror XIX – CliqueClack Preview

For me, one of the best parts of Halloween is The Simpsons‘ “Treehouse of Horror” episode. Unfortunately in recent years, the baseball World Series has delayed the annual episode until after the holiday. This year is no exception, with the “Treehouse of Horror (XIX!?!)” airing on November 2nd. I, however, got my hands on a […]

by Bob Degon
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