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food network


Food on the Tube: Top Chef is back… and I won’t be watching

Readers of this space know that two of my great loves are TV and food. I’m sure the expectation is that I would love a show like Top Chef, Bravo’s reality cooking competition. The truth, however, is that I’ve never been able to get into the show. For me, Top Chef is much more a […]

by Bob Degon

Food on the Tube: The Next Food Network Has-been

I’ve talked before about how I’m not a big fan of reality TV. As such, I’ve never been a dedicated follower of The Next Food Network Star, even with my Food Network obsession. If I do watch it, it’s usually in reruns on a lazy Sunday afternoon. More often than not, I watch the winner’s […]

by Bob Degon

Food on the Tube: A review of Food Network Magazine

I suppose it was only a matter of time before Food Network jumped into the magazine business, and I say good for them! I managed to get my hands on the premiere issue and I’m fairly impressed. I’ve read through it and I have to say that this is not just a fluff magazine trying […]

by Bob Degon

Food on the Tube: Hey Alton, feast on this!

Alton Brown is probably my favorite personality on the Food Network.  Notice my choice of words in that sentence, because he is not my favorite chef on the Food Network.  There are many chefs more talented and creative, in my opinion, but I am not sure there is any person more knowledgeable about food and […]

by Bob Degon

Food on the Tube: Where have all the chefs gone?

I love the Food Network.  I mean I really, really love the Food Network. Whenever I turn on the TV and there’s nothing on I’m dying to see, I flip to the Food Network; it’s my old standby.  Doesn’t matter if it’s a cooking show, a competition, or a reality show — if it’s on […]

by Bob Degon

Reality TV gives me a tummy ache

I don’t think I have to point out that there are more and more reality programs popping up on television these days.  I also don’t think I have to point out that most of these are soul destroying cesspools of human waste. Now, of course there are exceptions. I do usually find myself getting caught […]

by Bob Degon

High fructose corn syrup – it does a body good!

Hey everybody, I’ve found a great new snack to eat while watching TV – high fructose corn syrup!  I like to get a nice big bowl of it, curl up on the sofa, and spoon that sweet, sweet nectar into my mouth while enjoying my favorite show. “That’s gross!” you may say, “It’s so bad […]

by Bob Degon
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