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Entourage season 6


Entourage – Matt Damon sucker punches Vince with a Bono conference call

What did people have against Matt Damon’s appearance after the end of last week’s episode of Entourage? Well, not him so much as Vince’s stumbling through a spot for the Damon supported charity onexone. People said things like, “Clearly it was scripted, but it’s no fake Vince/Adrian Grenier,” or “Damon really was frustrated with how crappy an […]

by Aryeh S.

Entourage – Eric cuts Ashley loose, and Drama sticks with Lloyd

I can’t speak to the fate of Entourage without Ari, but the fate of Lloyd without him is a total and complete mess. I really enjoy Rex Lee, but apparently not as a solo artist. Without his abusive and berating boss, Lloyd was a huge drag on the entirety of last night’s episode. Hopefully this […]

by Aryeh S.

Entourage’s stalker de-pantsed

… And, while we’re at it, stalkee, as well. Not in a million years would you have convinced me that “Jamie-Lynn’s boyfriend” would have been the target of that boxer raid. Do you realize what that means? Those girls don’t even realize that they’re walking around in Vincent Chase’s underwear! I even thought that maybe […]

by Aryeh S.

Entourage’s case of the missing boxers continues, and Aaron Sorkin guests

Yes, I am a week behind on the boxers front — just the recap, not the episodes — but, nevertheless, it is necessary for us to recount the happenings these last few weeks in order to fully grasp what’s going on with our boys right now. Vince (and Turtle’s) boxers were stolen out of the […]

by Aryeh S.

Is Entourage having trouble walking and chewing gum at the same time?

Seems to be a fairly popular topic of conversation these days (well, something along those lines). From newspapers to magazines to websites, a lot of viewers and critics are questioning whether or not the boys of summer have it anymore. In fact, we even had an internal debate about it this week, here at CliqueClack. […]

by Aryeh S.
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