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ed o’neill


Modern Family’s Cam and Phil get their moment in the starlight

Modern Family’s ‘Starry Night’ gave its ensemble cast a chance to shine … and the viewing audience a chance to laugh.

by Debbie McDuffee

Modern Family gets funnier and shouts it louder, now

‘Modern Family’ brings situation comedy to a new level, we’ve already determined that. But what happens when they raise that level every week is, well, I cry a little. And rewind a lot.

by Debbie McDuffee

Modern Family – Don’t go changin’ to try and please me….

“Would he refer to Phil as a friend of Claire’s? No.” – Mitchell, after Cam told him that Jay introduced him to his friends as “a friend of my son” “I’ve heard him call Phil a lot worse.” – Cameron The theme of the week on Modern Family was change: Can people change? How far […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Modern Family masters the mix-ups

“That’s hardly porn, it was a topless woman on a tractor. You know what they call that in Europe? A cereal commercial.” – Phil Modern Family has already proven that they do so many comedy classics well, like pratfalls and other physical comedy, one-liners, situational jokes and more. Tonight they so masterfully demonstrated the comedic […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Does Modern Family need a Maris?

“You’re quite the bullfight artist yourself.” – Jay to Manny’s dad I love it when a show comes back from its mini-winter hiatus just as strong as when it left. Looking forward to tonight’s episode of Modern Family was the right thing to do, because everything about this episode was funny. I think what they’ve […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Modern Family’s dangerous birthday party delivers the laughs

“We can’t get Luke a crossbow. He pokes himself in the eye every time he uses a straw.” – Gloria to Jay, about Luke’s birthday present What do you get when you cross How I Met Your Mother‘s non-linear storytelling with the action-packed Crocodile Hunter with the classic horror tale of a killer clown? This […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Being 30-something is laughable, according to Modern Family

I don’t know about you, but I totally related to Modern Family‘s story lines tonight. OK, maybe not the baby killer one (we only had an acquaintance threaten to feed little Owen to the lions — not a good friend), but the other two? Oh yes. I have fond yet annoying memories of my male […]

by Debbie McDuffee
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