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Ratings Clack – What were all those Super Bowl promos worth?

(2/1 – 2/7) Turns out, not much. If you watched the big game, you couldn’t have missed the heavy promotion for the new NBC Monday. Chuck, Heroes, and Medium all got plenty of exposure. There was even a song and dance number. The Office got its fair share as well, with the bonus of being […]

by Brett Love

Ratings Clack – Following Lost is the new Friday night

(1/19 – 1/26) The subject of the Friday night death slot comes up fairly regularly around here. Moreso recently, what with the Terminator/Dollhouse debut right around the corner. I’m not one to argue in the face of so much damning evidence, but I do think there is a plucky young upstart with eyes on the […]

by Brett Love

Week in Clack – Premieres, previews and the just plain weird … and Neil Patrick Harris

Week of January 11 to January 17 Clever, insolent, creative, irreverent; even a little twisted. I speak of the writers here at CliqueClack, and the unique posts they churn out day after day. How could we let seven days go by without highlighting some of the week’s gems? (If you’d like to receive this in […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Dollhouse gets good news, expected news, and strange news

The countdown to the premiere of Dollhouse keeps chugging along. We’re inside of a month now, and with the TCAs underway, the press machine is firing up. Over the past few days there have been a number of stories flying around the internet, each signaling a different vibe. Let’s start with the good news, and […]

by Brett Love

Dollhouse – CliqueClack Preview

Any self-respecting Joss Whedon fan (and even fans who don’t respect themselves) has been dying to see if the master can wow us all again with another Buffy/Firefly/Angel-like masterpiece. Given the rather lukewarm reviews of Dollhouse as of late, we’ve all been a bit nervous. Add to that the pilot rewrite and the Friday night […]

by Keith McDuffee

Ratings Clack – The week before Idol offers a couple surprises

(1/05 – 1/11) TV for 2009 started spinning up the turbos last week, and will be at full boost when Idol comes online this week. That will, of course, send numbers in all kinds of crazy directions. It should anyway, unless I got the animal sacrifices and the Gregorian chanting right this time. Once I […]

by Brett Love

Is Dollhouse a piece of My Own Worst Enemy-like garbage?

Let me start out by saying that 60% of me writes this out of jealousy, 20% out of disappointment and, the last 20%, of understanding. 60% Jealousy Last week (or perhaps the previous week), FOX sent an early screener of the new series Dollhouse out to just TCA members. Not only did the small group […]

by Keith McDuffee
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