CliqueClack TV
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David Boreanaz


Diary of a Buffy the Vampire Slayer Virgin – Cordelia and Calendar in; Master out

(Season 1, Episodes 9-12) If the girls in my high school were allowed to wear dresses and skirts anywhere near as short as Buffy’s generally are, I think I might have flunked a few times to stick around longer. 9 – “The Puppet Show” (Original Air Date: May 5, 1997) Damn, I should have given […]

by Jason Hughes

Diary of a Buffy the Vampire Slayer Virgin – Welcome to Sunnydale

(Season 1, Episodes 1-4) Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and subsequently Angel, are two of those television shows that I never really got the chance to get into. In the college town I lived in when it premiered, the only unaffiliated local station had chosen to align with UPN rather than The WB when the opportunity […]

by Jason Hughes

Bones – Is Brennan too stupid?

Let me start by throwing this out right from the start: I’m a fan of the show. I watch it every week, and I certainly have no plans to give it up. That being said, there is one thing that has just nagged at me for years where Bones is concerned, and it’s Brennan. More […]

by Brett Love

See Jane Clack – Is Willow a lesbian? Is The Bachelor a Bastard?

This week, I’m a-clackin’ about everything from The Bachelor to Buffy (yes, again). Read on, and add your own clacks in the comments. Is the Bachelor a bastard? I haven’t even watched The Bachelor this season, but I sure heard all about the shocker finale last week. Without knowing anything about it, my feeling is […]

by Jane Boursaw

See Jane Clack – Nick Bockwinkel’s a liar, Buffy is driving me nuts, and my Lost theory

On my mind this week is a love/hate relationship with Buffy and Angel, a flashback to Nick Bockwinkel and Larry Zbyszko, a return to my hard rock roots, and my spot-on theory about Lost. Read on, and please add your own clacks in the comments below. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is driving me nuts. I’m […]

by Jane Boursaw

Buffy or Angel? – CliqueClack Poll of the Week

This may not be a fair question. In fact, I may not be able to choose (I’ll have to make sure there is a poll choice that reflects that!). But I thought it would be fun to ponder and discuss. If you could only own the DVDs of Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel, which […]

by Debbie McDuffee
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