CliqueClack TV
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better off ted


Ratings Clack – An alternative to Nielsen?

The big news in ratings this week wasn’t another series high for True Blood, the further decline of Defying Gravity, or even the return of Millionaire. Instead, it was the announcement that several big media and advertising companies are joining forces to create an alternative to Nielsen. My kneejerk reaction? The announcement is full of […]

by Brett Love

If Better off Ted fails, it’s all Andrea Anders’s fault

Did you watch Better off Ted this season? Judging by the dismal ratingsit gets week after week, my guess is no. In fact, I actually thought it had been cancelled, and was pretty shocked when I found it would be coming back as a mid-season replacement. What’s even more shocking (follow along if you can here), is the lack […]

by Cate Cropp

The Week Ahead – Teen Choice and Mad Men returns!

Highlights of the Week Ohmygodohmygodohmygod it’s THE JONAS BROTHERS! They’re going to be at Teen Choice 2009, the awards show so cool they took “Award” right out of the title. How badass are they (Mon. 8pm, FOX)? If you’re a little older, how about: Ohmygodohmygodohmygod it’s Neil Diamond – Hot August Night: NYC (Fri. 8pm, […]

by Jason Hughes

Ratings Clack – Summer TV is halfway over!

It’s that time of the year where it becomes painfully obvious just how lacking the summer television schedule is.  Hopefully, you’re getting some nice weather in the exchange. The good news is that the summer television season is now half over. We can now start counting down the weeks until the fall premieres. As for […]

by Brett Love

Better Off Ted – Enough daddy issues for an episode of Lost

Better Off Ted is really growing on me. I enjoyed it when it first aired, but I wasn’t super impressed with it. The more of it I watch, though, and the more I find myself laughing. I’m not sure if it’s me or the show, but I feel like it’s found its stride and is […]

by Bob Degon

Ratings Clack – Talkin’ baseball… Carew and Michael Westen

Okay, I did edit the original “Talkin’ Baseball’ lyrics just a bit for the title, for context. While the All-Star game was the big deal in ratings this week, there was some great news over on cable for Michael and the gang. And really, most of the exciting stuff, where ratings are concerned anyway, was […]

by Brett Love
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