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How I Met Your Mother – I was only acting!

“Call me crazy, but child actors were way better back in the ’80s.” — Barney The theme of acting ran throughout the episode tonight on How I Met Your Mother. I’ve got a couple of observations, and a couple of questions. Lily has been acting for 12 years, pretending she likes Marshall’s mother; then, she […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Is How I Met Your Mother the Holy Grail of sitcoms?

I’ve never been much of a sitcom watcher; for me, the one-hour scripted shows have it, but a few throughout the years have caught my attention: Cheers, Frasier, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, The Dick Van Dyke Show, even some seasons of Friends. Right now, the only sitcom I watch is How I Met Your […]

by Debbie McDuffee

How I Met Your Mother – This episode sucked

(Season 4, Episode 13 – “Three Days of Snow” ) [Editor’s note: This is CliqueClack TV’s 1,000th published post!] This episode is the reason that I don’t watch sitcoms. Yeah, I suppose you could argue that I watch How I Met Your Mother and that it is technically a sitcom, but you know and I […]

by Debbie McDuffee

How I Met Your Mother – Read a magazine; everybody does it

(Season 4, Episode 12 – “Benefits” ) Ah, friends with benefits … roommates with benefits … the ol’ college days are coming back to me now. This was the hot topic when you were in your early 20s, but I was a little nervous that this episode would be a bit too immature for the […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Five reasons why I hate How I Met Your Mother (and why I watch anyway)

The fans of How I Met Your Mother baffle me. They’re hardcore, that’s for sure, and their incredible love for the show has permeated the Internet, triggering enough curiosity in me to tune in for a few episodes over the summer. As it turns out, this show makes me groan more than laugh and cringe […]

by Annie Wu

How I Met Your Mother – We wish for some stellar writing …

(Season 4, Episode 11 – “Little Minnesota”) OK, I have to admit, when I first saw the title of this episode, I thought maybe they were writing Alyson Hannigan’s pregnancy into the show and we were going to find out Lily was pregnant. You know, Marshall’s from Minnesota, “Little Minnesota;” it was a clever connection […]

by Debbie McDuffee

How I Met Your Mother – Marshall is a light saber wielding crazy person

(Season 4, Episode 10 – “The Fight”) I know I was supposed to think this was the funniest episode in the history of How I Met Your Mother, but I am just not there. Maybe it’s because the topic wasn’t funny to me, or because the Robin joke got old, but it was just missing […]

by Debbie McDuffee
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