CliqueClack TV

News, episode reviews and commentary for Showtime's Weeds

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Weeds – Shane gets into Pilar’s head

Wow. Honestly, I didn’t even see that crescendo building, and then, bam! There was Shane, smashing Pilar in the head with a croquet mallet, knocking her lifeless body into the pool. I guess the golf club beat down scene was included in the “previously on Weeds” for a reason. Still … wow. There’s actually been […]

by Aryeh S.

The Week Ahead – Rescue Me and Weeds go, but Greek returns

Highlights of the Week Rescue Me totally redeemed itself in this, its longest season ever. After 22 solid episodes, where we saw the Gavin clan fall completely off the wagon. Is Teddy’s wife a goner? And what about Janet/Sheila/Tommy? That can’t end well. (Tue. 10pm, FX) With the fall season fast approaching, FOX is hedging […]

by Jason Hughes

Diary of a Weeds Virgin – Threesomes, hallucinogens, and rehab

(Season 4, Episodes 10-11) We’re hurtling toward the season 4 finale, and Nancy is going all out. She’s on drugs and ignoring her kids, who are sleeping with older women, selling drugs in sandwiches, and having threesomes. While she seems to be hell-bent on destruction, other characters are trying to improve their lives. Dean comes […]

by Kona Gallagher

Weeds – Time for a Doug/Dean style bomb to be dropped on Pilar

Although, I have to say, I would hope it would be a sight better than the bomb the duo, plus Isabelle, dropped on Celia in this past episode of Weeds. Talk about failing to meet expectations — I expected something really awesome from the pair, only to be woefully disappointed by the little sting operation they […]

by Aryeh S.

Diary of a Weeds Virgin – Nancy meets Esteban

(Season 4, Episodes 7-9) Well, we’re halfway through season 4, and I’m freaking out: I’m almost out of episodes! What am I going to do? This batch of episodes saw Nancy re-enter the drug dealing business after her brief hiatus, and we were given a glimpse of some familiar faces, just to have them cruelly […]

by Kona Gallagher

Weeds – Celia’s a lesbian

Picture this: you’re a fourteen year-old with a strained relationship with the parent of yours whose gender you share. They and your other parent are divorced, and its unclear just how much time you actually spend with said parent any longer. Lots of bad feelings and basis for intense therapy there. Oh, and you’re homosexual, […]

by Aryeh S.

Diary of a Weeds Virgin – From drug trafficking to human trafficking

(Season 4, Episodes 4-6) I guess this show still somewhat lives up to its title. Silas is growing pot, after all, and apparently the Mexicans are still smuggling weed into the U.S. through that tunnel. So… there’s that, I guess. But in this batch of episodes, Doug and Andy decide to become Coyotes, and “that […]

by Kona Gallagher
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