CliqueClack TV

News, reviews and posts for CBS's The Big Bang Theory

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Desperate Housewives, Cheerleaders and Terminators – Daily Rerun Roundup

Mondays seem to be chock full of great repeats over the summer — who knew? It’s definitely a better lineup than most new episodes being aired tonight. At 8 PM you can catch season two’s “The Cushion Saturation” episode of The Big Bang Theory on CBS, the second episode of Gossip Girl‘s second season on […]

by Keith McDuffee

Big Bang Theory, Gossip Girl, House – Daily Rerun Roundup

It’s sad when there are more reruns than new programming on a Monday night. Just check out the #newtvtonight we post on our Twitter for today. Not that they’re bad episodes, but our DVRs get sleepy when there’s nothing new for them to record. Over on CBS, catch The Big Bang Theory’s “The Financial Permeability” […]

by Keith McDuffee

Big Bang, Mother, Bones and House – Daily Re-run Roundup

Sure, the networks may be light (understatement of the century) on new programming during the summer (hooray for summer cable shows), but that doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate the repeats a bit and revisit our writers’ insightful, top-notch, award-winning (too much?) commentary…. I don’t have to miss House if I want to revisit “Emancipation,” airing […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Ratings Clack – Finale bonanza

The 2008-2009 television season is quickly coming to a close. Last week saw some 30 season/series finales hitting our screens. The resulting numbers were all over the place. Some shows took advantage of the situation, pulling out all the stops and hitting numbers they hadn’t seen in some time. Others held steady. And a few […]

by Brett Love

The Big Bang Theory – This is a season finale?

Now, I understand that The Big Bang Theory has come up with the ultimate reasoning for their disappearance for the summer hiatus. Kudos to them, props and all that kind of accolades heading their way for coming up with a logical reason to vanish from our lives for three months. Not many shows do that. […]

by Jackie Schnoop

Ratings Clack – Good news for Castle, not so much for Dollhouse

We’re on the verge of it now. Over the next two weeks all of our favorite shows are going to be ending, and some of those tough decisions will have to be made by the networks. These final few ratings numbers will play heavily in those decisions. With that in mind, the week brought good […]

by Brett Love

The Big Bang Theory – Penny can’t be with Leonard!

It just can’t happen! You see, tonight’s The Big Bang Theory episode had Kevin Sussman returning as a possible love interest for Penny. Remember, Stuart’s a good guy. He’s sensitive, intelligent, an artist and — the icing on the cake — he works in the comic book store. Penny had a date with him once […]

by Jackie Schnoop
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