CliqueClack TV

News, reviews and posts for CBS's The Big Bang Theory

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Ratings Clack – Where is FlashForward headed?

FlashForward is one of the more interesting shows of the new season where ratings are concerned. On the one hand, so far it has been a huge upgrade for the 8-9 spot on ABC. And while it has been surpassed by Survivor, it does continue to hold off Bones in the demo. On the other […]

by Brett Love

The Big Bang Theory – Deportation, piracy, or work for Sheldon

Tonight’s episode was actually Raj-centric. We don’t see many of those. And, yes. I’ll be calling him Raj, mainly because Koothrappali is a bear to repeatedly type.  Little did we know that Raj has been leading a double life. You heard me. Here we think he’s this diligent scientist, yet awkwardly geeky. He’s geeky, all […]

by Jackie Schnoop

Ratings Clack – Favre and Baseball create havoc

It was a strange week for ratings. Brett Favre playing against Green Bay made for a huge Monday Night Football (21.84m/9) audience on ESPN. And then the baseball playoffs ran through the rest of the week, calling a lot of the seemingly odd drops in viewers into question. Despite that increased competition, there was some […]

by Brett Love

Top Ten best one liners on this week’s Big Bang Theory

I’m not much of a sitcom kind of a guy. The hour long dramas are more my thing, so it takes a lot to draw me in. How I Met Your Mother found itself on my Season Pass list because of Aly Hannigan (And stayed on because of Barney … and the way the show […]

by Ivey West

Ratings Clack – Is Dollhouse about to get pulled?

Week two of the full-tilt-boogie season brought with it some interesting things, including premieres for Animation Domination, The Amazing Race, Trauma, Hank, and The Middle. We also saw more huge numbers from House, NCIS, and Grey’s. But after all of that, the most interesting story again comes from the show with the worst ratings on […]

by Brett Love

Quotation Marks – Van Halen, vampires, and vamps

Dollhouse “The human mind is like Van Halen. If you just pull out one piece and keep replacing it, it just degenerates.” — Topher Big Bang Theory “I’m not crazy, my mother had me tested.” — Sheldon “Just fine … ah dude, the fourth Harry Potter movie was just fine!” — Raj — “[fine is] […]

by Ivey West

The Big Bang Theory – Shiksa Goddess, can we just be friends?

The moment I was dreading on the show came last week — PennyLenny (Turkey Lurkey’s more wild neighbors) had sex. No, I’m not getting over it. Those two, in my mind at least, were never meant to be a sexual couple. What’s next? Barry Kripke and Sheldon will realize that they’re gay and head over […]

by Jackie Schnoop
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