CliqueClack TV

News, episode reviews and commentary for The CW's Supernatural

Latest episode clacks for this show:

The Grammys and The Walking Dead top an otherwise down week – Ratings Clack

The big news on the broadcast networks last week was the huge ratings for the ‘Grammy Awards’. The death of Whitney Houston brought viewer levels the show hadn’t seen since the ’80s. Over on cable, the amazing run of ‘The Walking Dead’ just keeps going. The latest premiere finished even higher than the last one.

by Brett Love

Supernatural – Humans: you crazy!

This episode proved once again that Dean was right when, in season one’s ‘The Benders’, he said, “Demons, I get; people are crazy.”

by Keith McDuffee

Another Super Bowl record, and great starts for Voice and Smash – Ratings Clack

Another record setting ‘Super Bowl’ was the big event last week. But for our purposes here, the more interesting results concern the premieres of ‘The Voice’, ‘Smash’, and ‘The River’. One of those is not like the others. I’ll bet you can guess which one.

by Brett Love

Supernatural – Countdown to right friggin’ now

I may have laughed out loud numerous times during this episode of ‘Supernatural’, loving the call-backs to season two’s ‘Everybody Loves a Clown’ and Sam’s irrational fear of clowns, but I can’t help but ask the question: This is the countdown to right friggin’ now?

by Debbie McDuffee

Ratings Clack – Big Bang hits highs while Luck stumbles out of the gate

‘Big Bang Theory’ continued its fabulous run, topping ‘Idol’ in the demo again, and hitting a series high for good measure. Over on cable, HBO debuted ‘Luck’, to lackluster results, and then promptly renewed it.

by Brett Love

Quotation Marks – Gossip Girl, House and Justified

Join the Clique as we Clack about our favorite television quotes from the previous week. If we missed your favorite, be sure to share it with us in the comment section!

by Ivey West

Supernatural – Is Bobby’s ghost helping the boys?

Is it really ghost Bobby drinking the Winchesters’ beers and pulling out old research to help them along, or are we dealing with something else? Come on, we all know it’s Bobby, right?

by Debbie McDuffee
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