CliqueClack TV

News, episode reviews and commentary for The CW's Supernatural

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Supernatural – The righteous man who begins it…

…is the only one who can finish it. After the long mid-season stretch of episodes where our big story was put on the back burner, things have really picked up over the last two weeks. “On The Head Of A Pin” was packed with revelations, while also posing some tough questions for the story to […]

by Brett Love

Ratings Clack – Everybody loves Melissa Rycroft…

… and hates Marco White, apparently. It was a strange week on television. The calendar keeps insisting we are in a sweeps period, but the networks are dropping repeats all over the schedule. Even Lost, which ABC promised would run uninterrupted, went the repeat route. There were still some big events. As usual, Idol dominated, […]

by Brett Love

Supernatural – Sam’s dark side just keep’s growing, and what does Castiel have up his sleeve?

Well it seems that during his off-camera time with Ruby, Sam has been working hard on honing his telekinetic demon-exorcising powers, and tonight we saw the payoff in a big, creepy way. No more nosebleeds and headaches for Sammy, no sir. And now he’s doing some Sylar-esque people flinging as well. Did I mention it […]

by Cate Cropp

Diary of a Supernatural Virgin – Will brotherly love or evil Sam win out?

Season 2, Episodes 9 – 11 Supernatural continues to please; I gotta say, there’s not too much to be dissatisfied with in this series… so far, that is. Even Buffy let me down during some seasons. But the writers have taken their cues nicely from the actors, and their brotherly banter shows their true friendship […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Ratings Clack – Dollhouse has a disappointing debut

(2/8 – 2/15) What do you think? Is disappointing the right word to use in the post title? Reading the chatter around the internet over the weekend, there are certainly various spins on the Dollhouse numbers that try to paint them as a success. But really, if you have to spin the numbers and start […]

by Brett Love

Diary of a Supernatural Virgin – Dean’s funny and damaged at the same time

Season 2, episodes 4 – 8 Yeah, that’s right — I spent Valentine’s Day with Sam and Dean. Am I the envy of every fangirl out there, or what? It’s just a good thing my husband enjoys Supernatural too. And oh, what a Valentine’s Day it was! Some of my favorite episodes so far were […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Is there a showdown coming for Sam and Dean?

I think it’s been made perfectly clear that there will be a good vs. evil showdown before season four winds down. With Castiel, Anna, Lilith, Ruby, Uriel, Alastair, and all of those seals in play, something has to give. Another interesting aspect of that though, is the possibility of a little Sam and Dean battle […]

by Brett Love
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