CliqueClack TV

News, episode reviews and commentary for NBC's Saturday Night Live

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Quotation Marks – Dwight Schrute, Edie Britt, and Dr. House

(Week of Dec. 13, 2008) “I may be a ho, but I’m not a crack ho.” – Cops “Falalalala-lala-ka-ching.” – Dwight, on his his plan to buy all the unicorn dolls from local stores and sell them to desperate parents at a huge profit, The Office Desperate Housewives: “You are my rock Lynette.” – Tom […]

by Jane Boursaw

Saturday Night Live – Hugh Laurie; Kanye West

(Season 34, Episode 11) Here we are at the last episode of 2008, the big holiday episode. Saturday Night Live was good enough to leave us all a little surprise for the holidays: a big pile of turd! Seriously, there was barely anything funny going on here. It was a real shame, especially considering that […]

by Bob Degon

Portugal: The New Jersey of Europe? – Guest Clack

Cate Cropp, a Jersey girl living in Portugal who just can’t give up American TV, is back guest clacking for us again today. I’m from New Jersey, a place that TV writers like to poke fun at, well, often.  How I Met Your Mother dedicated an entire episode to making fun of the state as […]

by Keith McDuffee

Saturday Night Live – John Malkovich; T.I.

(Season 34, Episode 10) My hopes were really high when I saw that John Malkovich was hosting this week. I remember his hysterical monologue from when he hosted in 1993. It consisted of him trying to hit a baseball into the audience, but he never made contact. As he kept missing he kept swinging harder […]

by Bob Degon

Saturday Night Live – Tim McGraw; Ludacris; T-Pain

(Season 34, Episode 9) I was a little worried about this episode before I watched it. I’m always nervous when a non-actor hosts. Tim McGraw did a fine job, though. He was no Jon Hamm, and there was a lot of staring at the cue cards, but he sufficed. I think a lot of my […]

by Bob Degon

Things That Didn’t Suck This Week: Burglaries, learning Dutch, the gays and Timberlake

“I don’t know what that means.” – Shane tries to figure out how to rob a safe on The Shield Unlike most dramas, The Shield doesn’t really give you a whole lot of relief from the tension. Watching an episode is kind of like being punched over and over again. So after seven seasons, it […]

by Kona Gallagher

Saturday Night Live – Paul Rudd; Beyonce

(Season 34, Episode 8) I will admit that my hopes were high this week.  Paul Rudd is a funny dude, and I was hoping that SNL would come through with some great political lampooning. Boy was I disappointed. I don’t know if I was just in the wrong frame of mind to watch SNL, but […]

by Bob Degon
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