CliqueClack TV

News, episode reviews and commentary for AMC's Mad Men

Latest episode clacks for this show:

The five best TV title sequences

An opening title sequence constructs the atmosphere of a TV show and can stick with us long after the details of the show have faded. What are your favourites?

by Dan Meier

Quibbling Siblings predict the Emmys!

Every week brother and sister team Bob and Debbie take on a new topic. This week we look forward to the Emmys and make a couple (not so) bold predictions.

by Bob Degon

Diary of a Mad Men Virgin – The final entry … or is it?

The entries in my ‘Mad Men’ Virgin Diary have come to an end. This will be the last time you have to put up with me whining that ‘Mad Men’ is totally overrated … or is it the last time?

by Ivey West

Diary of a Mad Men Virgin – Will I ever like Betty Draper?

I’m not sure I’ve ever experienced a character as worthless as Betty Draper. She’s got to be the least mature character on popular television.

by Ivey West

‘Shipper’ or not – vote for your favorite ‘ship’

Do you watch shows and hope that different couples will get together? Whether you are a ‘shipper’ or not, vote for your favorite should-be couple!

by Carla Day

Diary of a Mad Men Virgin – The beginning of the end

Is the Draper family really on the rocks at this point, or will they relapse before they finally fall apart for good?

by Ivey West

Diary of a Mad Men Virgin – More Peggy is a good thing

‘Mad Men’ shines when the focus is on Peggy. I’ve found myself enjoying the episodes when her story is featured more than episodes she’s barely in.

by Ivey West
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