CliqueClack TV

News, episode reviews and commentary for ABC's Lost

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Lost – Desmond’s mission begins

This episode of ‘Lost’ ventured back into the sideway world to visit Hurley, as the story on the island moved forward, with Desmond beginning his mission.

by Bob Degon

Lost – Everybody Loves Hugo – Live-blog/chat

A Hugo/Hurley-centric episode is in store for us tonight. Will we get the same sort of revelations as we did from last week’s episode? Tune in here at 9 PM Eastern for our weekly live-blog/chat and let’s talk ‘Lost!’

by Keith McDuffee

Lost in Lost – Has the conversation changed?

Executive Producer Damon Lindelof said that the conversation about ‘Lost’ was going to change after “Happily Ever After.” Did it?

by Bob Degon

Ratings Clack – What the what? Idol is #3?

ABC and CBS went with the old double-team, using ‘Dancing With The Stars’ and the NCAA Championship to knock ‘Idol’ all the way to third in viewers last week. Elsewhere, what’s up with those ‘Justified’ numbers?

by Brett Love

ABC Thursday night lineup – Clacking the dream

TV shows may come and go, but we can always imagine what an ideal night’s lineup might look like. Let’s take a look at the dream Thursday night on ABC.

by Aryeh S.

Lost – Desmond Hume, this is your life

A great amount of buzz surrounded this week’s episode of ‘Lost,’ but it didn’t seem to provide any of the answers that were expected or anticipated. Even with that, this was still one of the best episodes of the year. At the end of the day, how can you not like Desmond?

by Bob Degon

Lost – Happily Ever After – Live-blog/chat

We’re back for our weekly ‘Lost’ live-blog chat. Hey, it’s the last season, so come join us already! See you at 9 PM EDT tonight.

by Keith McDuffee
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