CliqueClack TV

News, episode reviews and commentary for ABC's Lost

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Ratings Clack – A Dollhouse drop makes things interesting

(2/15 – 2/21) Ya know, it would be great if I could sit down to my beloved Model M keyboard and type about the fantastic ratings that Dollhouse was getting. 10 million viewers… a demo in the 4s… already picked up for the fall… Great, but probably not as interesting as the actual numbers are […]

by Brett Love

Lost in Lost – Dharma days are ahead!

This week’s episode set up a lot of mysteries moving forward, that I outlined in my previous post on “316.” One of the mysteries that I failed to mention in that post showed up at the very end of this week’s episode. After Jack, Hurley, and Kate reappeared on the island (along with the others, […]

by Bob Degon

I hate Lost Untangled

Who is the brainchild behind these 30-second wonders of special effects and acting that interrupt my precious commercial watching time during Life on Mars? My four-year-old son and a Flip Mino could do a more entertaining and non-mind-numbing job. I understand what ABC is trying to do … actually, no, I have no freaking clue […]

by Keith McDuffee

Lost – More questions, and coincidences, than usual

Well that was all sort of … anticlimactic, wasn’t it? Who would have thought that Jack was actually on to something at the end of season three when he was making full use of that golden ticket from Oceanic, hoping to cause a crash back onto the island? It was an interesting episode, but left […]

by Bob Degon

Lost in Lost – Danielle Rousseau returns (and brings the smoke monster with her)

In this week’s episode of Lost, there was a ton of mythology explored. We were treated to some of Danielle Rousseau’s backstory and though it was brief, it was great! We learned some new things about the smoke monster, and in true Lost fashion, even more questions were raised. As if that wasn’t enough, we […]

by Bob Degon

Ratings Clack – Dollhouse has a disappointing debut

(2/8 – 2/15) What do you think? Is disappointing the right word to use in the post title? Reading the chatter around the internet over the weekend, there are certainly various spins on the Dollhouse numbers that try to paint them as a success. But really, if you have to spin the numbers and start […]

by Brett Love

Seven really unlucky TV characters

As you know, tomorrow’s Valentine’s Day. What’s that? You forgot? Ho boy, you’re gonna have some ‘splaining to do. Well, if you have someone to ‘splain to, that is. Now, I could go ahead and make a cutesy list of the best ‘ships on TV or the ten kinds of chocolate I’d eat off Sienna […]

by Keith McDuffee
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