CliqueClack TV

News, episode reviews and commentary for ABC's Lost

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Things That Didn’t Suck This Week – Season finales

Since this column is dedicated to highlighting my favorite moments on television from the past week, why not bring it out of hiatus when everything is ending? Sounds like an awesome idea, right? In any case, this really was a great week in television. I found myself being blown away time and time again by […]

by Kona Gallagher

Ratings Clack – Finale bonanza

The 2008-2009 television season is quickly coming to a close. Last week saw some 30 season/series finales hitting our screens. The resulting numbers were all over the place. Some shows took advantage of the situation, pulling out all the stops and hitting numbers they hadn’t seen in some time. Others held steady. And a few […]

by Brett Love

How often do finales live up to expectations?

Season finale season can be a lot of fun. Our favorite shows can leave us wondering “Who’s Been Hit?” Waiting for the “…dairy!” I get into the hype. Every year, I will watch finales of shows that I wouldn’t normally take the time for (Smallville, I’m looking at you). When it comes to series finales, […]

by Ivey West

Lost season five finale live-blog/chat

The end of Lost‘s fifth season sure snuck up on us now, didn’t it? We’ve got another two hours left of the show to hold us over until likely sometime next year, when the show returns (they wouldn’t come back in the fall, would they?) And who better to share those last two hours with […]

by Keith McDuffee

Lost in Lost – A tale of two morons?

We only have one night of Lost left this season. It’s a sobering fact, and if there are any typos in this article, please have mercy, as my eyes are filled with tears and the gentle sobbing is making it difficult to type. This past week’s episode was the typical penultimate episode of Lost. There […]

by Bob Degon
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