CliqueClack TV

News, episode reviews and commentary for ABC's Lost

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Lost – Richard’s history and more island mythology

Since season three, we have patiently waited to learn more about the mysterious, ageless Richard Alpert. This episode of ‘Lost’ finally delivered, giving us the origin story of the immortal Other.

by Bob Degon

Lost – Ab Aeterno – Live-blog/chat

Our weekly ‘Lost’ chat comes at you tonight at 9 PM EST. Come back to this post then and join in with the rest of us. Finally — an episode about Richard Alpert!

by Keith McDuffee

Lost in Lost – What’s in the sub, and crazy moms

‘Recon’ may not have been my favorite episode of the final season of ‘Lost,’ but there were definitely some moments worth talking about: the locked compartment in the submarine and Kate and Locke’s discussion on the beach.

by Bob Degon

Ratings Clack – Daylight Savings knows kung-fu too…

Daylight savings kicked in and knocked ‘Chuck’, and a number of different shows, for a loop. Meanwhile, over on cable, premieres for ‘Justified’ and ‘South Park’ set some very high marks.

by Brett Love

Kisses, stakeouts and revelations – Things That Didn’t Suck This Week

Sex and kissing. That’s what three out of four of my clips revolve around, but it was a big week for both. Lost is a little weird, Ugly Betty shouldn’t be canceled, The Office is on the way up, and Chuck is just awesome (or Awesome). These shows definitely did not suck this week.

by Kona Gallagher

What about John Locke? – Open Letters

If John Locke is dead, why does it seem like no one’s acknowledging his absence?

by Aryeh S.

Lost – Setup, Sawyer, and a spin off?

The flashsideways merry-go-round continued, with Sawyer jumping on this week in what amounted to one of the more disappointing episodes of ‘Lost.’

by Bob Degon
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