Latest episode clacks for this show:
…the theme wasn’t necessarily about answering a bunch of mythological questions (In this case, who the mother is), but in growing the characters and putting them in a better place. For a fairly uneventful thirty minutes, “Doppelganger” was a surprisingly satisfying episode.
With the 2009-2010 TV season quickly coming to a close, a number of the big network shows are starting to fire off their big finales. That meant nice numbers for things like ‘House’ and ‘Grey’s,’ but I’m most impressed with the longevity of ‘Survivor.’
“Are you saying your fathers impregnated Patti Lupone in the Marriott in Akron? Does Mandy Patinkin know about this?” – Jesse, on ‘Glee’
It is episodes like this, when they get back to what makes HIMYM unique, that prove that it is still one of the funniest sitcoms around.
The recent announcement of NBC’s fall schedule starts to look awfully curious when you consider the recent numbers for some of their returning shows.
How does the gang, as Barney calls them, tolerate the supreme douchiness that is Ted?
Another week of bloodshed in the ratings where nobody was safe. Even ‘Idol’ took quite a hit, which at least suggests that we could be approaching a time where ‘Idol’ is just another show.