CliqueClack TV

News, episode reviews and commentary for FOX's House

Latest episode clacks for this show:

A Visit from Kevin Reilly (The Night Before Upfronts), part five

I know, you are all starting to wonder how this tale will end, aren’t you? You don’t have much longer to wait; it’s almost Christmas and we’ve been enjoying these relaxing little read-alouds, haven’t we? Nothing like celebrating the stress of the industry folks to make our holiday stress seem insignificant …. In case you […]

by Debbie McDuffee

A Visit from Kevin Reilly (The Night Before Upfronts), part four

OK, here’s the next installment of our cumulative poem. After Peter Krause shows up at the FOX studios with a list of canceled FOX shows for sale, things get ugly. The cast of Terminator and Fringe show their true colors, and Bones and House actors have their nerves in a jangle too. So our epic […]

by Jason Hughes

A Visit from Kevin Reilly (The Night Before Upfronts), part 3

Liking our little poem so far, clackers? Yesterday, Bob Degon continued our holiday story, with some folks of Terminator and Fringe making an appearance. Now, let’s continue from whence we left…. “It’s all so hard,” said John Noble. “No wait, that’s just me.” “Ignore him, Peter,” said Anna Torv. “Give that letter to me!” “I […]

by Jen Creer

House and the five dead babies

I watch a lot of House. I used to review it for another site, I own seasons one and two, but mostly I just plain like it. I am a huge sucker for the marathons they frequently show on the USA Network. One of the things I have noticed lately about the show is that […]

by Jen Creer

A Visit from Kevin Reilly (The Night Before Upfronts)

Overheard on a Fox television show set … “OK everyone, it’s time to call it a wrap for the day and head home to sleep. Now, now, I’ll have none of that complaining! You know if you’re not well rested and performing your best tomorrow, Mr. Reilly won’t leave you something good in your mail […]

by Keith McDuffee

Ratings Clack – CSI scores big. Biggest Loser NBC’s best hope?

(12/7 – 12/13) I work with a guy that has the barest of the bare bones cable packages. Thirteen channels. It amounts to the networks, Discovery, PBS, and shopping. It was a tough week of television for him. There were a lot of repeats. The CW only managed 3½ hours of original programming for the […]

by Brett Love

Quotation Marks – Dwight Schrute, Edie Britt, and Dr. House

(Week of Dec. 13, 2008) “I may be a ho, but I’m not a crack ho.” – Cops “Falalalala-lala-ka-ching.” – Dwight, on his his plan to buy all the unicorn dolls from local stores and sell them to desperate parents at a huge profit, The Office Desperate Housewives: “You are my rock Lynette.” – Tom […]

by Jane Boursaw
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