CliqueClack TV

News, episode reviews and commentary for FOX's House

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Ratings Clack – Where is FlashForward headed?

FlashForward is one of the more interesting shows of the new season where ratings are concerned. On the one hand, so far it has been a huge upgrade for the 8-9 spot on ABC. And while it has been surpassed by Survivor, it does continue to hold off Bones in the demo. On the other […]

by Brett Love

House – Is it ever okay to kill a patient?

Is it ever okay to kill a patient? As House says, “I don’t think we’ll be dealing with any more genocidal dictators,” when Chase asks if he will be fired. But maybe they will deal with someone else loathsome? At some point, does it become easier to take a life? How far does the line […]

by Jen Creer

Ratings Clack – Favre and Baseball create havoc

It was a strange week for ratings. Brett Favre playing against Green Bay made for a huge Monday Night Football (21.84m/9) audience on ESPN. And then the baseball playoffs ran through the rest of the week, calling a lot of the seemingly odd drops in viewers into question. Despite that increased competition, there was some […]

by Brett Love

Quotation Marks – Special Weddings, Swimfan, and seminars

The week that NBC proved to everyone that they don’t care about hour long dramas anymore, they at least gave Jim/Pam ‘shippers the moment they’d been waiting for, a very special Wedding on The Office. Matt Damon showed up on the Entourage finale, and got a good one in on Drama. And Glee proves that […]

by Ivey West

Poll: What chat / live-blogs would you attend here?

You may have noticed that we’ve had a few chat / live-blog posts here the past few weeks. We call them both a “chat” and a “live-blog” because the system we use, CoverItLive, is more of a live-blogging platform than a chat interface, but so far it’s worked very well for us. The attendance for […]

by Keith McDuffee

Cameron killed Darth Vader on House

[Spoiler alert] My esteemed colleague Deb McDuffee buys that Chase really killed Dibala, (the mass murdering f*ck played by the always-marvelous James Earl Jones) on House this week. Oh no no no. It was Cameron. And this is how they are going to get rid of Jennifer Morrison. It makes perfect sense: Cameron was told […]

by Jen Creer

Durham County; House; How I Met Your Mother – In that order

Here are my picks, once again, for what I felt were the three best shows of the night: Durham County — ION is currently airing the final couple of episodes of season one, but I decided to go ahead and finish up season two last night. Wow. Simply WOW. Brutal and disturbing, yet filled with […]

by Keith McDuffee
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