CliqueClack TV

News, episode reviews and commentary for FOX's House

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Quotation Marks – Deloreans, baby daddys, and what Penny does

“Yeah, that would be really messy if Baze was my high school crush, your baby daddy, and mom’s fifth husband.”

by Ivey West

House – The game is a foot

The title of this week’s episode, “Moving the Chains” reminded me of the ends of Dylan Thomas’s famous poem “Fern Hill.” The last lines of the poem are: “Time held me green and dying/Though I sang in my chains like the sea.” The reason why this episode reminds me of the poem is more complicated […]

by Jen Creer

Ratings Clack – Everybody loves football, and Bones

It was a bit of a slow week of television. Football on FOX sent all the other networks scrambling on Sunday. Then Obama took over all the channels on Wednesday. Add in an oddly quiet Thursday and we had three pretty weak nights of numbers. Not to worry though, there was still the occasional cause […]

by Brett Love

Enough with the spin-offs

Dear Network Executives, Alright, people, I understand that it’s hard to take risks. TV (especially on the big networks) is all a numbers game. The ratings need to be high and the costs need to be low. It’s a business. For every Lost there is a The Nine. For every Glee there is a Viva […]

by Bob Degon

Is Dr. House a psychopath?

“In the great game of chess that is our relationship, Wilson sees only one move ahead. I see dozens. That is why he will never mate me.” — House “…” — House’s team “That’s a chess term.” — House After watching the end of tonight’s House, I turned to Keith and said, “How can I […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Ratings Clack – Idol returns, and Jethro doesn’t care

FOX has been waiting all season to drop the big hammer, and the time has finally come. Idol returned last week, and the ripple effect of adding over 20 million viewers to Tuesday and Wednesday was felt by a number of shows, but not all of them. Despite Idol adding some 24 million viewers to […]

by Brett Love

Twelve ways House makes screwing with your friends fun

“Everyone in our building thinks we’re gay.” – Wilson “We’re grown men over the age of 30 who moved in together. We’re two tigers away from an act in Vegas.” – House Oh, House, how I missed you. I didn’t realize how much until I just experienced the life-changing hour of your mid-season premiere. OK, […]

by Debbie McDuffee
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