CliqueClack TV

Sci Fi's Eureka.

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Eureka – You don’t know Jack….

… But I bet you know clip show. Gah! Clip show! I did not see that coming. Although, really, I should have. After the surprise was sprung, I started to recall talk of a clip show from the producers. Still, as a general television watching rule, I don’t like the clip show. All too often […]

by Brett Love

Eureka – Water water everywhere

It was a bit of a rough week in Eureka. For me, “Shower The People” unfortunately had more misses than hits. The potential was there, but nothing seemed to really work. The idea behind the compressible water was good, but the case it was key to wasn’t all that exciting. Billy Campbell made an appearance […]

by Brett Love

Eureka – Kim is back, and she brought Snow Crash with her

Well now, that didn’t take long. After the drawn out mystery of Eva Thorne, I’m a little surprised that we got to the bottom of “The Signal,” and the ship, so quickly. Of course, having those questions answered doesn’t put the story to rest. There is still a lot of mileage to be had with […]

by Brett Love

Eureka – Imagine greater… ways to jam commercials into the show

Ya know, I really like Eureka. The writers have created a wonderful little world, full of great characters. And while the stories often lack the weight of their more serious sci-fi peers, they make up for all of that by being incredibly fun. Because of that, I kind of want to give them a pass […]

by Brett Love

Eureka – Bite me, Kermit

Apparently it’s still too early in the season for us to get any real detail on just what “The Signal” is all about. Something is headed for Eureka, and plenty of folks seem to be all kinds of nervous about it, but that’s all we know. In that respect, we’re in the same boat as […]

by Brett Love

Quotation Marks – Leverage gets the Midwest wrong

I know I’ve professed my love for Leverage in the past (and by the past, I meant, you know, this weekend), but I really was taken aback by the way they portrayed Lincoln, NE. The quotes were funny, yes, but having lived in Omaha, its not that backwards. Oh, and for the record, I LOVE […]

by Ivey West

Eureka – Section 5? I hate that section!

Continuing to motor along through season three, this week it was time for introductions to some new players, and the reintroduction of an old nemesis, Section 5. One of those players has something to do with the big mystery of the back half of the season. And the tiny little hint we got regarding that […]

by Brett Love
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