CliqueClack TV

News, episode reviews and commentary for NBC's Chuck

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Casting Clack – Chase on Chuck, Baranski on Big Bang, and Simpson on CSI

With its “Casting Clack” post, CliqueClack brings you a summary of the TV casting news released throughout the week, be it the addition of a series regular, a new recurring cast member, a guest star, or even someone making a cameo. Be warned, the casting news after the jump may contain slight spoilers about the […]

by Richard Keller

Ratings Clack – It’s all about CBS

(12/14 – 12/21) This week, the other networks just made it easy for CBS. After taking second on Sunday night, to NBC’s Sunday Night Football, the Tiffany network went on to win the next five nights in viewers and the demo. Granted, there were more repeats than usual, but even the CBS repeats were in on the […]

by Brett Love

Chuck – Chuck & Sarah at a crossroads … again!

(Season 2, Episode 11 – “Chuck Versus Santa Claus”) Once again, Chuck lives up to all our expectations and surpasses them. What started off as a simple hostage situation at the Buy More became something a lot more dangerous for Chuck, Sarah and Casey. I was pleased that I didn’t see that particular plot turn […]

by Jason Hughes

Ratings Clack – CSI scores big. Biggest Loser NBC’s best hope?

(12/7 – 12/13) I work with a guy that has the barest of the bare bones cable packages. Thirteen channels. It amounts to the networks, Discovery, PBS, and shopping. It was a tough week of television for him. There were a lot of repeats. The CW only managed 3½ hours of original programming for the […]

by Brett Love

Chuck – Ocean’s Four with Chuck, Casey, Sarah and … her dad?

(Season 2, Episode 10 – “Chuck Versus the Delorean”) Not the most helpful of episode titles, but a very good episode nonetheless. Anna was back, but her return to the show meant some serious life decisions for Morgan. Is he up to the task of manning up and taking on real adult responsibilities? Look at […]

by Jason Hughes

Ratings Clack – Everybody loves a Christmas special, and Van Pelt

(Ratings Clack 11/30 – 12/6) It was an interesting week for TV numbers. With Tom & Samantha packing up the ballroom, there were viewers to be had on Monday and Tuesday. That meant there were winners (Chuck, The Mentalist), and losers (Samantha Who?, Heroes). The other big story was just how well all of the […]

by Brett Love

Casting Clack – Grey’s, Lost, Supernatural

With its “Casting Clack” post, CliqueClack brings you a summary of the TV casting news released throughout the week, be it the addition of a series regular, a new recurring cast member, a guest star, or even someone making a cameo. Be warned, the casting news after the jump may contain slight spoilers about the […]

by Isabelle Carreau
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