CliqueClack TV

News, reviews and posts for ABC's Brothers & Sisters

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Ratings Clack – Daylight Savings knows kung-fu too…

Daylight savings kicked in and knocked ‘Chuck’, and a number of different shows, for a loop. Meanwhile, over on cable, premieres for ‘Justified’ and ‘South Park’ set some very high marks.

by Brett Love

Ratings Clack – We now rejoin your regularly scheduled programming

With the Olympics out of the way, our TV schedules were once again filled with new episodes. ‘American Idol,’ as usual, clobbered everyone. The week also brought three premieres for NBC and the first new ‘Southland’ episodes on TNT.

by Brett Love

Ratings Clack – Idol, Olympics, and the Kardashians

Big winners for the week of 2/21 – 2/27 were American Idol, the Vancouver Winter Olympic Games, Kevin Martin, and… surprisingly enough… Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

by Brett Love

Ratings Clack – The Grammy Awards beat Idol

The Grammy Awards had their best numbers since 2004, knocking off American Idol for the number one spot for the week. Elsewhere, the final season of Lost returned as the number one scripted show in the adult demo.

by Brett Love

Ratings Clack – Heroes: Sack The Cheerleader… Save The Network?

The complete implosion of Heroes just never gets old. I’m fascinated by it, and the show found an all new low last week. Over the years we’ve seen plenty of shows fall from their once lofty heights. But to see one crash so fast, and in such a dramatic fashion, is a rare thing. On […]

by Brett Love

Ratings Clack – Idol returns, and Jethro doesn’t care

FOX has been waiting all season to drop the big hammer, and the time has finally come. Idol returned last week, and the ripple effect of adding over 20 million viewers to Tuesday and Wednesday was felt by a number of shows, but not all of them. Despite Idol adding some 24 million viewers to […]

by Brett Love

Ratings Clack – Heroes “performing very strongly”

At least, that’s the delusion that Angela Bromstad (President, Primetime Entertainment, NBC and Universal Media Studios) seems to be operating under. Asked about the show at NBC’s TCA presentation, Bromstad said, “”It’s been performing very strongly in its 8 p.m. time slot.” I would argue that finishing in fourth place every week, and losing to […]

by Brett Love
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