CliqueClack TV

News, reviews and posts for AMC's Breaking Bad

Latest episode clacks for this show:

On Breaking Bad, likable characters are important

I’m not sure it’s enough that a secondary character like Hank being likable to some degree makes up for the ones who are becoming increasingly unlikeable as the seasons progress. Will the show suffer because of this?

by Keith McDuffee

Ratings Clack – The final sweeps period begins

Thanks to ‘Survivor’, CBS took the early lead in the final sweeps event of the season. You can bet that American Idol will have something to say about that next week. Over on cable, why isn’t anyone watching ‘Party Down’?

by Brett Love

Breaking Bad – Family is all

I had heard a lot about last week’s episode of ‘Breaking Bad’ before it aired, saying how incredible it was. And it was. But THIS week … ho boy.

by Keith McDuffee

Ratings Clack – Is the TV season just too long?

As we race toward the end of this television season, last week was another full of crazy lows. Crazy, like Community and 30 Rock not even managing 4 million viewers. On the plus side, the NFL’s Thursday prime time first round was a big success.

by Brett Love

Breaking Bad – May his death satisfy you

Hank is having one hell of a bad day … week … month. Hell, it’s just bad all around, and it sure seems it’s going to get a lot worse.

by Keith McDuffee

Ratings Clack – Glee is back, and Deadliest Catch still rules

The singing kids of ‘Glee’ returned to FOX and rode the ‘Idol’ wave to huge numbers. Over on cable, Discovery had a return of their own as the men of ‘Deadliest Catch’ opened a new crab season.

by Brett Love

Breaking Bad – The kitchen is open

If the decisions a man makes for providing for his family tear the family apart, even if it means they’ll be provided for when otherwise they wouldn’t be, does it mean those decisions were bad?

by Keith McDuffee
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