CliqueClack TV

News, reviews and posts for NBC's 30 Rock

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Presenting CliqueClack’s guide to the 2009-10 fall season

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by Richard Keller

A boy’s club and a mess of Sopranos – Daily Rerun Roundup

For those of you who missed last night’s premiere of Top Chef: Las Vegas (clocking in at a mind-boggling hour and fifteen minutes long), you can catch it tonight on Bravo at 7:45. Starting at 8, NBC has its two-hour block of 30 Rock, Parks and Recreation, and The Office. They’re all great, but I […]

by Kona Gallagher

Things That Didn’t Suck This Week – Jon Hamm, baby

Mad Men, you guys. MAD MEN. Does it make my life sound completely pathetic if I say that tonight’s return is what I have been living for? I mean, yes, my child has still been clothed and fed, but come on … Don effin’ Draper is coming back! Tonight! What’s so great about this isn’t […]

by Kona Gallagher

30 Rock Blew the Hatch when Jack and Kenneth played poker

Remember how 30 Rock and Studio 60 premiered at the same time, and everyone knew that there was only room for one “behind the scenes at a late-night sketch comedy show” series, and most people, it seemed, had their money on the Sorkin one? Before they aired, one of my friends even dismissed 30 Rock […]

by Kona Gallagher

Daily Rerun Roundup – Poehler/Arnett power hour, Flame Red, and servants

Summer reruns are starting to wind down, in favor of original programming. You have new episodes of Burn Notice, Royal Pains, and So You Think You Can Dance. If watching shows you’ve already seen is more your style though, there are still some pretty good offerings. At 8:00 on NBC, why not make it an […]

by Kona Gallagher

Daily Rerun Roundup – Labor, The Bubble, and undercover cops

Not only is Burn Notice new tonight, but ABC is airing the last two episodes of Samantha Who?, so you should really be watching that. However, if you just need more, here are some of tonight’s reruns: In case you missed it the first time around, the newest Lindsay Lohan opus, Labor Pains, is re-airing […]

by Kona Gallagher

30 Rock, The Mentalist, The Office – Daily rerun roundup

There’s definitely some good new stuff on TV tonight, including brand new episodes of Samantha Who? and Burn Notice. However, if that’s not your thing, there are, as always some pretty decent reruns. At 8 PM, there’s an episode of 30 Rock with Dennis. I love Dean Winters so much, that it doesn’t even matter […]

by Kona Gallagher
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