CliqueClack TV

News, episode reviews and commentary for So You Think You Can Dance

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Ratings Clack – Michael Westen bested by iCarly?

You know spies — bunch of bitchy little girls. And this week in the ratings post, our favorite spies were beaten by some little girls. It was very close though, if that makes the shot to the ego a little easier to take for Sam and Michael. Those two were the headlines for what was […]

by Brett Love

The Week In Clack – Paula quits, Paris on Supernatural, and Anna engaged

With the big TCA presentations going on, it’s been a pretty big week for TV news. However, all of the talk about what we can look forward to in the fall was trumped by one short little burst on Twitter, from Paula Abdul. She chose that unconventional venue to announce that she’s leaving American Idol. […]

by Brett Love

The Week Ahead – SHARK WEEK!

Highlights of the Week This had to be a difficult film to put together. HBO’s Boy Interrupted is the story of a young boy’s struggle with bipolar disorder and depression, leading to his suicide at 15. His mother, the filmmaker, hopes to shed light on this difficult disease with painful honesty, to expose a very […]

by Jason Hughes

Ratings Clack – The Bachelorette goes out on top

The repetitive nature of the summer ratings have me so looking forward to the return of full schedules in the fall. Remember what that’s like? When CBS runs more than Big Brother, and The CW offers more than one burn-off episode of Easy Money. It was another week very much like so many of the […]

by Brett Love

Ratings Clack – Summer TV is halfway over!

It’s that time of the year where it becomes painfully obvious just how lacking the summer television schedule is.  Hopefully, you’re getting some nice weather in the exchange. The good news is that the summer television season is now half over. We can now start counting down the weeks until the fall premieres. As for […]

by Brett Love

Reality Clack – Big Brother 11, So You Think You Can Dance

No, it’s not Mia Michaels from So You Think You Can Dance in this image. It’s actually Lydia, from Big Brother 11, looking very much like Mia. I don’t think Lydia can dance, though. And, I can’t say for sure, but I don’t think Mia has a ton of tattoos. They do have one thing […]

by Jackie Schnoop

Confessions of a Kasprzaktivist

Dear Evan Kasprzak, Since So You Think You Can Dance turned a hundred episodes old and danced about cancer this week, I should probably talk about that. I should stick to voicing my unpopular opinions, like that Brandon should have been the one that went home this week, or that the cancer dance wasn’t really […]

by Julia Hass
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