CliqueClack TV

Face Off – Barnacle(less) Bill the sailor

Following direction seems to be a challenge for some of the contestants on ‘Face Off.’ Ignoring them isn’t going to win you any gold star(fishes).

by Michael Noble

Some women aren’t meant to be tamed – Sex and the City week

They are four of the most quotable characters on television … the women of ‘Sex and the City’! Here is a compilation of my favorite quotes from the series. Feel free to add your own.

by Rachel Blum-Jose

SATC Week – An homage to Aidan, the sweet, sexy furniture designer who got away

Aidan Shaw was warm, masculine and a classic American, just like his furniture. As ‘Sex and the City’ Week rages on with the series’ ups and downs, here’s a look at the relationship between Carrie and Aidan – the adorable furniture designer who got away.

by Kim Tibbs

MasterChef – 60 minute soufflés

One of the remaining guys gets edged out of the competition by the narrowest of margins. He’s one of the contestants I’ve been rooting for all season.

by Michael Noble

Sex and the City’s Big: The Big letdown – SATC Week

Is “Sex and the City”‘s Big a big letdown? Is he the ideal romantic hero with a suave demeanor or is he an emotionally abusive douche who outlived his character shelf life?

by An Nicholson

Grimm – Suddenly, Hank flies right

Hank greets Wesen. Hank punches Wesen. Wesen falls down, goes boom. And Hank? Well … he’s cured. It’s really as simple as that.

by Michael Noble

Warehouse 13 – The return of Alice Liddell

Alice’s Liddell’s return on ‘Warehouse 13′ gives Artie more reason to isolate himself from his loved ones — but is that playing into the Brotherhood’s hands? Also, Steve finally comes clean with Claudia.

by Christina Furtado
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