Latest episode clacks for this show:
Just kidding. It’s Pussy Cat Doll Nicole Scherzinger, her partner Derek Hough, and her loads and loads of previous dance experience! Can we stop allowing pop stars and pro athletes on the show now?
The first of a two-part finale on ‘Dancing With the Stars’ is said and done. And the big story here is not who’s going to win; that’s obvious! No, the breakout news was the introduction of a new dance move that will sweep the nation! I call it “hair whuppin!”
With the 2009-2010 TV season quickly coming to a close, a number of the big network shows are starting to fire off their big finales. That meant nice numbers for things like ‘House’ and ‘Grey’s,’ but I’m most impressed with the longevity of ‘Survivor.’
We’re about down to the last tango on Dancing With the Stars. It’s the fiiiiinaaaal foouuurrr!
The recent announcement of NBC’s fall schedule starts to look awfully curious when you consider the recent numbers for some of their returning shows.
We’re heading toward the semifinals on ‘Dancing With the Stars.’ It’s a fairly easy call, for those of us still a-steppin’-and-a-jivin’ along.
Another week of bloodshed in the ratings where nobody was safe. Even ‘Idol’ took quite a hit, which at least suggests that we could be approaching a time where ‘Idol’ is just another show.