CliqueClack TV

News, episode reviews and commentary for CBS's Criminal Minds

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Criminal Minds says no to the hanging game

The fact that last night’s case on Criminal Minds was more like early seasons did not escape me. The difference, however, seems to be me … back then, I wasn’t a father. Not that images of a father hanging his own son wouldn’t have disturbed me before, but with my own son asleep in his […]

by Aryeh S.

Last night’s Criminal Minds scared the bejesus out of me

Though it certainly wasn’t the first to do so, last night’s episode of Criminal Minds left me in quite a quandary. While I love the characters, and I think I would be sad not to know what was happening with some of them, it is becoming increasingly difficult for me to watch this show. While […]

by Aryeh S.

Who’s in charge on Criminal Minds?

After riding a heart-pounding roller coaster for ten episodes, culminating in Haley Hotchner’s funeral, our very own Hotch has returned to the BAU for some soul-cleansing psycho hunting. But in what capacity? Well, the truth is that it wasn’t quite clear for most of last night’s episode. I mean, sure, Hotch appeared to be spearheading […]

by Aryeh S.

Criminal Minds – What’s next for Hotch?

After the heart pounding nature of the 100th episode, it was inevitable that 101st would be an emotional one. And Haley’s (Meredith Monroe) funeral was actually the least of it. No, what really made for tough watching was Hotch trying to figure out what to do for his son, Jack (Cade Owens). Not because he […]

by Aryeh S.

Criminal Minds marks its 100th episode with a return of The Reaper

Since becoming a parent, I’ve noticed that I tend to process my television differently than I once did. Events that pre-baby I found merely sad, I now unintentionally relate to, and the result is generally harrowing. In honor of its 100th episode, Criminal Minds gave me one of those experiences last night, with the return […]

by Aryeh S.

Criminal Minds – What kind of serial killer uses a gun?

I mean, come on! Talk about taking the easy road. What ever happened to getting your hands dirty? Or at least some creative thinking? In that respect, this serial killer was a definite disappointment. And yet last night’s episode of Criminal Minds was an interesting development in the story of Hotch and The Reaper. It […]

by Aryeh S.

Quotation Marks – Canadians, vegans, vampires, and Gordon Stoltski

I’ll take “people we got an earful from this week” for two hundred! I was going back and forth through the quotes submitted by our writers this week, and I couldn’t quite understand why the haul seemed so light. Then it dawned on me: ABC didn’t air its new Wednesday night comedy lineup this week. Can you […]

by Aryeh S.
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