CliqueClack TV

News, episode reviews and commentary for NBC's Community

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Ratings Clack – The Grammy Awards beat Idol

The Grammy Awards had their best numbers since 2004, knocking off American Idol for the number one spot for the week. Elsewhere, the final season of Lost returned as the number one scripted show in the adult demo.

by Brett Love

Monsters, Moon Landings and Frowns – Things That Didn’t Suck This Week

Obviously, the big news in TV this week was the return of Lost. They’re back at LAX! No they’re not! Juliet’s alive! No she’s not! It was all very confusing, but there was one smoky moment that stood out for me. In other TV news, Modern Family got pixilated, the study group on Community finally […]

by Kona Gallagher

Community – It’s about time study group just devolved into a big orgy

I love Allison Brie. As much as I adore her on Mad Men, it’s so nice to see her in a bigger role on Community. Her role as hopelessly naive Annie is so perfect, that it makes me want to lock myself in my room and write love letters in my diary. While having her […]

by Kona Gallagher

Ratings Clack – Heroes: Sack The Cheerleader… Save The Network?

The complete implosion of Heroes just never gets old. I’m fascinated by it, and the show found an all new low last week. Over the years we’ve seen plenty of shows fall from their once lofty heights. But to see one crash so fast, and in such a dramatic fashion, is a rare thing. On […]

by Brett Love

Quotation Marks – Mel Gibson, Matt Damon, and McDreamy

“It’s shame that all this montage episode told us is how crappy the show’s been lately, by showing us when it was great.”

by Ivey West

Community – Our Back-Door Library Conundrum

It was a very relationship-heavy episode of Community this week, and I really appreciated it. I’m a stickler when it comes to dropped storylines, and sitcoms can be the worst offenders. That’s why I was thrilled when Professor Slater, to whom we were first introduced in the Halloween episode, returned as a love interest for […]

by Kona Gallagher

Ratings Clack – Idol returns, and Jethro doesn’t care

FOX has been waiting all season to drop the big hammer, and the time has finally come. Idol returned last week, and the ripple effect of adding over 20 million viewers to Tuesday and Wednesday was felt by a number of shows, but not all of them. Despite Idol adding some 24 million viewers to […]

by Brett Love
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