CliqueClack TV

News, reviews and posts for HBO's Boardwalk Empire

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Ratings Clack – Week two brings the first cancellations

It’s only week two and already the cancellation act has been swung. Twice. In happier news, ‘Glee’ managed to ride the popularity of Britney, or Brittany, to even better numbers than the premiere. Also, good grief, a lot of people watch ‘Jersey Shore’.

by Brett Love

Boardwalk Empire – Van Alden shows some emotion

‘Boardwalk Empire’ continued this week with more drama building as things went awry at the bootlegging facility, bad behavior caught up with Jimmy, and we got a closer look at agent Van Alden.

by Bob Degon

Ratings Clack – CBS takes the early lead. Glee is huge.

After a full summer of ho-hum, last week brought us five days of full-tilt-boogie network programming. The early results for the new season say that things look very good over at CBS. The other networks were very hit and miss.

by Brett Love

Boardwalk Empire – Too much Jimmy

As ‘Boardwalk Empire’ continues its young season, I’m still trying to form a definitive opinion on the show. The production value is out of this world, but I’ve decided there is just way too much of Jimmy Darmody.

by Bob Degon

Boardwalk Empire – Prohibition was dumb

After much hype ‘Boardwalk Empire’ premiered tonight on HBO. Did it meet the hype? With a great cast, incredible production value, and Martin Scorsese directing the pilot, I don’t think it was ever really a question.

by Bob Degon

Casting Clack – More people join Clooney on ER, Campbell gets lost in the ’80s, Graham comes back to comedy

In “Casting Clack”, CliqueClack brings you a summary of the TV casting news released throughout the week, be it the addition of a series regular, a new recurring cast member, a guest star, or even someone making a cameo. Be warned, the casting news after the jump may contain slight spoilers about the roles the […]

by Richard Keller
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