CliqueClack TV

News, reviews and posts for Lifetime's Army Wives

Latest episode clacks for this show:

I figured it out! Army Wives has become family drama

At least, that’s where I’ve gotten after all of my sleepless nights. But I really do think I’ve hit the nail on the head — Army Wives has started to really focus on the drama of family, ever since Amanda died lo those many episodes ago. Am I right? We’re currently dealing with Roxy and […]

by Aryeh S.

Unfortunately, Army Wives brings new meaning to the word boring

I don’t mean the show, so much as where we’ve arrived to at this point. Specifically, Sunday night’s episode, and the potential for continuing stories. What happened, Army Wives? Are you out of gas so soon? I mean, I was just getting nothing from Sunday’s episode. Sure, I had a long day — we went […]

by Aryeh S.

Army Wives – A typecast cast

Two strong and two weak; this season of Army Wives is shaking out into a formula: Roxy and Pamela get the hijinxs and the nonsense, while Denise gets the emotion and Claudia Joy the heartache. Well, Claudia Joy’s kind of disappearing, but let’s pretend. Oh, and Roland gets the headaches. So, wait … what’s the count at? […]

by Aryeh S.

Army Wives – Moving at the speed of light

Oh, the children. Could it be that Army Wives is making a concerted effort to shift some of the focus of the show to the next generation? I mean, beyond Emmalin, Amanda (Kim Allen), and Jeremy, whose stories had more to do with how their nonsense affected their parents, than on the kids themselves. Oh, […]

by Aryeh S.

Army Wives – Webisodes, or deleted scenes?

I was looking for a picture to go with my review of this week’s episode of Army Wives, when I happened upon an interesting piece of information: there are Army Wives webisodes to be found online! How exciting, right? Who knew what they might be about … some as-of-yet unknown family, struggling to make it in […]

by Aryeh S.

Army Wives – How’d Roland fit into the door-prize?

Because, you know it had to be something for women; I don’t think Julie’s (Bess Rous) really building an inventory for men. Geez, did that housewares party throw me for a loop! This week we got a lot of Joan. Now, I’ve never been a huge fan, and the beginning of the most recent episode […]

by Aryeh S.

Army Wives – Emmalin gets a pass

It occurred to me recently, that no one from Army Wives reads my posts on their show. I know; I was a bit thrown by that, too. I mean, aside from the occasionally unprintable attacks on their destructive tendencies, I’m all teddy-bear, right? Seriously though, my point is that I’ve taken the opportunity in my […]

by Aryeh S.
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