CliqueClack TV
Moments on television where you have to wonder: What were they thinking?

Is it worth finishing AMC’s The Prisoner tonight? No.

I’m going to try to save a bunch of you from wasting anymore hours on this mini-series, because it’s just not worth it.

by Keith McDuffee

Too much of Gordon Ramsay is not a good thing

Currently, we have superstar chef Gordon Ramsay as host and berater of FOX’s Hell’s Kitchen and Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares. We also have him as host of the British version of Kitchen Nightmares and Gordon Ramsay’s F Word on BBC America. So, do we need to see any more of the verbally abusive chef who we […]

by Richard Keller

Here’s another clue that NBC doesn’t care anymore

So, we’re about a month into a new television season and, frankly, things are looking okay. Save for the cancellation of CW’s The Beautiful Life: TBL (which was produced by Ashton Kutcher, so you knew it was going to be canned), most of the new and returning shows are doing okay (except for Dollhouse, which […]

by Richard Keller

Screw saving Dollhouse! Save Joss Whedon!

Even months before FOX’s Dollhouse premiered, campaigns to save the show appeared on the Internet. Still haunted by the memories of the treatment their beloved Firefly received by the very same network, Whedon fans were desperate to see their master’s new work last. In some ways they were right to be scared. News of the […]

by Keith McDuffee

House’s season six needs a do-over

Okay, so maybe this isn’t earth-stopping news. But it makes me feel better. Based on the comments I had on my post about the season premiere of House, though, I was starting to wonder if I’d seen the same show. So, imagine my JOY when I found out that USA Today critic Robert Bianco didn’t […]

by Jen Creer

Is The Vampire Diaries a soap opera?

Standing in line at the supermarket a few days ago, the trash mags caught my eye. Don’t judge me — you know you read the headlines to pass the time. Scanning one of the soap opera weeklies, I noticed they had an article with the low-down on The Vampire Diaries. Wha…? Why would they have […]

by Debbie McDuffee

What do so many f–kin reality stars swear so f–kin much?

Hey, assh—s! I have a f–kin question to ask you. What’s the G– damn deal with all the motherf–kin swearing that goes takes place on those s–tty reality programs? I mean, they swear so f–kin much that it’s f–kin hard to f–kin hear them say a G– damn word! What the F–k? And, that’s one of […]

by Richard Keller
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