CliqueClack TV
Moments on television where you have to wonder: What were they thinking?

Open Letters: “Produced by Ashton” doesn’t make us watch

Dear Network Suits, Did you ever see Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels? Go with me here. There’s a scene where a bunch of the bad guys are locked in a security cage, and being shot from the rafters. The leader, finally fed up with the situation, bellows out, “Could everyone stop getting shot?!” It’s […]

by Brett Love

Why did Jane Seymour design a testicle necklace?

How can I write a post about something that leaves me speechless, you ask? I wondered that very thing. But as I watched the commercial for Jane Seymour’s Open Hearts necklace, I realized I was going to have to find a way to overcome the cat that had my tongue, because this was too good […]

by Debbie McDuffee

The plucked peacock

This may seem like piling-on after yesterday’s brilliant Grinch/Zucker ditty by CliqueClack’s own Richard Keller, but what the hell happened to NBC? The once imposing network — home to such television icons as the Cartwrights and Johnny Carson — has plummeted into a chasm of mediocrity. A perennial ratings powerhouse during the ’80s and ’90s, […]

by Scott Tunstall

My new write-in campaign: Save Christian Kane!

It seems that it has become super-trendy these days to start campaigns to save things on TV. Any show that gets canceled seems to automatically see a save-our-show campaign pop up. With the exception of Jericho, these things rarely work. I have been feeling a bit left out, however, and decided to jump on the […]

by Bob Degon

Are we witnessing the death of network television?

Alright, alright, it’s probably way too early for this post, and it’s most likely an overstatement, but I can’t help thinking that network TV as we know it is in critical condition. With the latest news that NBC is giving up on the ten o’clock hour giving Jay Leno a nightly show at 10 PM, […]

by Bob Degon

A miserly Christmas

A big part of the Christmas season is, for me, watching all the classic holiday Christmas specials. It just wouldn’t be Christmas without Frosty, Rudolph, the Grinch, and all my other holiday TV pals. One of my favorite specials is the holiday classic, The Year Without a Santa Claus, featuring a memorable appearance by two […]

by Bill White

Brothers and Sisters: Oh, your lackluster season

The past two years, I reviewed Brothers and Sisters for TV Squad. I began this season on leave because of a large work project. However, I haven’t been able to bring myself to begin reviewing the show here for CliqueClack because I haven’t been willing to commit to watching the show this season. Oh, Brothers […]

by Jen Creer
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