CliqueClack TV
CliqueClackers watch shows they'd never seen before, starting from season one, chronicling their experiences and opinions.

The Practice virgin’s diary – Do juries appreciate real breasts?

Don’t you love it when the far-fetched stories that defense attorneys concoct to purport their client’s innocence turn out to possibly be true? Talk about great imaginations!

by Aryeh S.

Diary of a House virgin – Where did Chase and Cameron go?

Not that I miss Chase that much, but I’d like to know what it was like behind-the-scenes during this time period. Did these two actors mind being on a show that they barely appeared in?

by Ivey West

The Shield virgin’s diary – I want to be sick

While not nearly as Blow the Hatch-worthy as the first episode, The Shield’s story about child pornography was disturbing in its own right. And by disturbing, I mean enough to make me want to vomit.

by Ivey West

Diary of a Weeds Virgin – Why does nothing in this world make sense?

Wait, so is ‘Weeds’ just an alternate reality? Are we flashing sideways? As we near the end of season 5, I try desperately to figure out just what the hell is going on here.

by Kona Gallagher

Mad Men virgin diary – Brought to you by more liquor

Creepy hair-lock-loving kids, liquid lunches and a big “wedding present” that’s making me and the folks at Sterling Cooper more than a little twitchy.

by Keith McDuffee

House virgin diary – The team is complete … hopefully

“Get him on a nicotine patch. I’ll keep up with his Joneses.” – House

by Ivey West

Diary of a Curb Your Enthusiasm virgin – Did Treeger cash a check for this one?

It’s amazing, but true, to think that when Larry David is involved, the death of a close relative isn’t the biggest tragedy to hit the family.

by Aryeh S.
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