CliqueClack TV
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Poll: Favorite TV geek

Who is your favorite Geek on television today? Is it Abed on ‘Community,’ Sheldon the ‘Big Bang Theory,’ Jess on ‘The New Girl,’ or someone else entirely? Sound off!

by An Nicholson

Poll: Holiday specials for grinches

Are you a holiday scrooge or a disaffected hipster? Do you hate ALL holiday specials? Or, just the uncool ones? If so, CliqueClack has the best holiday shows for you!

by An Nicholson

Favorite New Fall Show – Boss

This pitch black drama about a fictional, crooked, big city mayor will make you forget that Kelsey Grammer ever played a character named Frasier Crane.

by Meredith O'Brien

Finals – Vote for your favorite new fall show!

We have narrowed down your favorite shows to the top six! Stop by and vote for your favorite! Need something to watch over the hiatus, you can’t go wrong with any of these top shows.

by Carla Day

Favorite New Fall Show – Once Upon A Time

If you’re looking for a little slice of truly old-fashioned happiness in your television rotation, ignore any misgivings you may have had about ‘Once Upon a Time’ being a stupid fairytale show and watch it. It’s worth it.

by Julia Hass

Favorite New Fall Show – The Secret Circle

CliqueClack is spending the week exploring our favorite new shows of the TV season. When answering that question, ‘The Secret Circle’ might not be on the tip of your tongue, but maybe it should be.

by Ivey West

Favorite New Fall Show Poll – New Girl

I’m not the sort that gravitates toward the standard weekly comedy. But I’ve been taken in by ‘New Girl’ … and so will you.

by Michael Noble
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