CliqueClack TV
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Poll – Favorite British TV show

Are you a Whovian? Do you believe in ‘Sherlock’? Nuts for ‘Top Gear’? A-flutter over ‘Downton Abbey’? What British TV show (sorry, telly programme) has you hooked?

by Julia Hass

Revenge – Who was shot on the beach?

Who was shot on the beach during Emily and Daniel’s engagement party? We finally find out this week. In the meantime, take a closer look at the promo pictures for clues! Spoilers!

by Carla Day

Saturday Night Live – Zooey Deschanel / Karmin

Zooey Deschanel brought her adorkable charm to this week’s ‘SNL,’ but things went downhill quickly after the post-Weekend Update sketch (including the musical guest). But some memorable cameos nearly saved the night.

by Chuck Duncan

FOX announces House’s last season – is it really time?

‘House’ the series will go no farther than this eighth season, it was announced yesterday. While I am sad that one of my favorite shows will no longer be airing new episodes, probably the producers made a smart decision. Probably … ask me again when I’m missing it desperately.

by Debbie McDuffee

Glee – What’s your favorite themed episode? – Poll

It all started with the success of ‘The Power of Madonna’ back in season one, and ‘Glee’ has since attempted a string of themed episodes. Which one is your favorite?

by Debbie McDuffee

CommercialClack – The best Super Bowl commercial of 2012

What was the best commercial during The Big Game? Tara and Michael discuss several of them between chips and dip. Vote for your favorites … and don’t let us influence you!

by Michael Noble

Saturday Night Live – Channing Tatum / Bon Iver

Channing Tatum is a great sport as ‘SNL’ exploits his former talents, but can someone explain the appeal of Bon Iver?

by Chuck Duncan
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