CliqueClack TV
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Poll: What’s your favorite Mark Sheppard guest-starring role?

Mark Sheppard is everywhere — hooray for us! What’s your favorite guest-starring role of his? It’s definitely hard to choose….

by Debbie McDuffee

Damages will be back, but with a catch

The word finally came down on the fate of ‘Damages’ and the news is good, and really good if you have DirecTV….

by Bob Degon

Poll: What’s Bruce Campbell’s most memorable role?

Whether you love ‘The Evil Dead,’ ‘Burn Notice’ or ‘Spider-Man,’ you’ve got to love Bruce Campbell. What’s his most memorable role?

by Debbie McDuffee

Poll – Nathan Fillion: Captain Tightpants or Captain Hammer?

Nathan Fillion has been blessed with several fan favorite roles. Considering all the options, which role will you best remember him for?

by Ivey West

Poll: What canceled series needs wrapping up the most?

A lot of TV series have been canceled, leaving us hanging. If you could see a wrap-up movie of any of them, which series would you choose?

by Debbie McDuffee

Poll: What’s your favorite SyFy original series?

It’s a showdown between ‘Farscape,’ ‘Battlestar Gallactica,’ the ‘Stargate’ franchise and more … what’s your favorite original SyFy series?

by Debbie McDuffee

Would you want The Tudors to continue without King Henry VIII?

Can the show go on without its biggest star? Would you even want it to? Take the poll and let us know.

by Ruby T.
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