CliqueClack TV
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America’s Got Talent – And the finalists are …

Per our not-so-official poll, the Top 4 will be composed of Team iLuminate, Landau Eugene Murphy Jr, Silhouettes, and Poplyfe. Were the predicions of CliqueClack readers accurate? Read on to learn who made it to the Top 4!

by Isabelle Carreau

Who’s your favorite TV werewolf? – Poll

Will it be one of the new werewolves from MTV’s ‘Teen Wolf’, or an old favorite like ‘Buffy’s’ Oz? Vote in the poll and let your voice be heard.

by Debbie McDuffee

‘Shipper’ or not – vote for your favorite ‘ship’

Do you watch shows and hope that different couples will get together? Whether you are a ‘shipper’ or not, vote for your favorite should-be couple!

by Carla Day

Is the rise of Rookie Blue’s Peckstein a good thing?

As much as I like Dov Epstein and Gail Peck, I’m not sure about the idea of Peckstein. What do you think? Vote below!

by Ivey West

What’s your favorite new summer show? – Poll

Let your voice be heard! Vote for your favorite new summer show of the season!

by Carla Day

Who’s your favorite Vampire Diaries vampire? – Poll

If you’re missing ‘The Vampire Diaries’ like I am, perhaps fantasizing about your favorite vampire will help you get through the summer.

by Debbie McDuffee

What was the best reality show of the year? – Poll

Reality shows … guilty entertainment or bane of the TV watcher’s existence? I love them … well, some of them … and we want to see what you think is the best reality/competition show of the year.

by Chuck Duncan
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