CliqueClack TV
One-off episode reviews of shows we don't regularly cover, but we've just got to say something this one time.

My favorite Lost moments – We have to go back!

The long offseason continues to march on. With each passing day and week we get closer and closer to the final season of Lost. We still have months to go, however, which is a bit discouraging. To help us get through this Lost lull, I’ve been recapping some of my favorite moments of the show. […]

by Bob Degon

My favorite Lost moments – Jacob’s cabin

I would be remiss to talk about my favorite moments of Lost and not discuss Ben and Locke’s trip to Jacob’s cabin in “The Man Behind the Curtain.” For so long, we had wondered about Jacob, details trickling in slowly (very slowly) over time. Heck, we didn’t even know his name for a few seasons. […]

by Bob Degon

My favorite Lost moments – The greatest phone call in TV history

As I continue exploring some of my favorite moments from the past five seasons of Lost, this week I get to the moment that is probably my favorite of them all. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the more polarizing scenes in the show. I’ve never considered myself a shipper at all, in regards to just […]

by Bob Degon

My Favorite Lost Moments – Eko, Meet the Smoke Monster

Last week I began talking about some of my favorite moments of Lost with a piece on the first big reveal of the show: Locke being in a wheelchair. This week, I turn my attention to the second season of the show, specifically the Eko-centric episode “The 23rd Psalm.” Since the pilot episode, viewers knew […]

by Bob Degon

My Favorite Lost Moments – Oh snap, dude’s in a wheelchair!

With the final season of Lost approaching (ever so slowly), I’ve been getting a bit nostalgic. Add to that the fact that I have many weeks of columns to fill before we can start digging in to the final mysteries of the show, and I thought it was the perfect time to look back at […]

by Bob Degon

Is Aaron Sorkin the king of sap?

I love going back and watching old television shows (by old, I don’t mean older than me old, but just shows I love that are no longer on the air). Also, I’ve been in a bit of a nostalgic mood recently, and it would unfair to say that it hasn’t affected my TV viewing. Nothing […]

by Ivey West

Harper’s Island, you can enjoy the 13 hours of my life I won’t get back

When the last couple of minutes of last weeks Harper’s Island rolled past last Saturday, the first thing I wanted to do was write out about how horrible the ending was. Fortunately for our readers, Keith and Debbie had the responsibility for posting their thoughts first. I got to wait a couple of days and […]

by Ivey West
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