CliqueClack TV
One-off episode reviews of shows we don't regularly cover, but we've just got to say something this one time.

What does the Big Love big moment mean for the Henricksons?

By now, anyone who’s watched the latest episode of Big Love – if you haven’t yet, then run far away from this post — likely wound up feeling aghast, skeeved out or unsurprised by the fact that they went THERE. Margene. Ben. … Photo Credit: HBO

by Meredith O'Brien

The future of Dexter is the future

First of all, if you haven’t seen Sunday’s season finale of Dexter, you’re on your own from here on out. Come back later, once you’ve seen it. I’ll wait. Back so soon? Now, with that out of the way, let’s get down to business. I caught Dexter‘s finale Sunday night without my wife, Deb, because […]

by Keith McDuffee

CBS wants you to have a very merry prostate exam

Take, for instance, the PSAs for the CBS Cares project. The title of these short videos — Prostate PSA Holidays. No, I’m serious! It says so at the CBS Cares video site! In this series of 10-second shorts, stars of various CBS shows ask you to celebrate the holidays by signing your man up for a prostate exam. . There’s one for generic holidays, one for Christmas, and one for Hanukkah. Strangely, there’s no PSA for Kwanza or Festivus. Though, the scene of a bare metal pole would probably send shivers up a strong man’s spine.

by Richard Keller

Was Glee’s Will abusive, praise for soap operas & don’t drink the Kool Aid – CliqueClack Behind the scenes

I know what you’re thinking … it’s been far too long since you got a glimpse behind the scenes at CliqueClack. You miss the quirky charm of our discussions about sitcoms, our lively debate about the top 100 sci-fi shows, even the derogatory statements about Jenny Wade that subsequently contributed to us getting booted from […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Mad Men – Don Draper eats an entire murder of crows

My schadenfreude was absolutely tingling during the season finale of Mad Men. There was some serious comeuppance for Don Draper to end this season, and I can’t say that I didn’t enjoy it. In fact, after an entire season (perhaps more?) of serious douche-baggery, I think Don Draper deserved every mouthful of crow that he […]

by Bob Degon

My favorite Lost moments – Alex held at gunpoint

This week I turn my attention to one of the most shocking and sad moments in the history of Lost. It was a huge turn of events, particularly for the character of Ben. It was nothing more than a simple “held at gunpoint” scenario that has been used many times before. However, this time it […]

by Bob Degon

My favorite Lost moments – Charlie’s sacrifice

I hear so many people say that they gave up on Lost during the third season. I will admit that the short block of episodes that opened the season was probably the lowest point in Lost’s history. The entire Jack, Sawyer, and Kate in cages story line just didn’t work. However, once the season got […]

by Bob Degon
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